11. Redemption?

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TW, the part where the pirates are pushing Jim around and stuff when they made it to the end of the trail, Ive written things about cuts, blood, death and like threatening stuff


Y/N had taken off the fabric on both Delbert and Amelia and threw them to the ground once they got into the longboat.

She sat in the back with them, but her body was turned away sadly.
Amelia would sneak... sad? Concerned? glances at Y/N which she pretended she couldn't feel them on her.

She fiddled her with her bracelet in thought. If they cut off all contact, that means they're still alive.

Once they landed Y/N was first to hop out. But didn't begin walking, instead she dropped to the ground.

Silver looked at her in question as he hopped out and walk passed, holding Jim's shirt tightly in his hand.

"I'm just gonna tie my shoelace." She answered. "I'll catch up"

Silver shrugged, beginning to walk off again and pulled on Jim's shirt so that his attention was pulled from Y/N as well.

She didn't know where she stood. She wanted to be with Jim but was it already to late? Had she done to much damage? Maybe she shouldn't have pointed her gun at Delbert.

Did she still even want to be a pirate.
She didn't think so.

Jim would occasionally glance back at her before they were to far gone to be seen, and before Ben captivated his attention when he spoke about captain Flint.

They had walked for a few more minutes, following the maps trail.

Silver grinned as he cut away the storks of plants.
"I smell treasure awaitin'" he said greedily, but they're faces fell in confusion.

It was just a cliff.

"What's goin' on jimbo!" Silver yelled turning to Jim who was trying to open the map.

"I don't know I- can't get it open!" He fiddled with the map.

The pirates started to bicker angrily. "We should of never followed this boy!" Bird brain complained, jumping up and kicking Jim on the back to push him down.

But he didn't hit the ground and pressed their hand on his chest and pushed him back up.

It was Y/N.
She had raced around to pushed him straight up.

Jim looked to her and smiled in gratitude but it faltered when he saw that Y/N wasn't looking back at him, already turned to bicker with the group.

However Y/N was seemed like she has seen a ghost, he lips were the same colour as her skin as her eyes were unnaturally wide.
Like she had just committed a very big crime, which was weird cause wasn't she already pirate? What crime could she commit that she hasn't already done?
Well that was Jim's thoughts at least.

"I suggest you get that gizmo going gain and fast!"
Silver scolded making Y/N turn on him.

"Let's throw em' off the cliff" onus scowled darkly, slowly stalking his way up to Jim.

Y/N bit the inside of her cheek frustratedly, her feelings only growing into rage as they continued.

"We'll use his body for our next fire" Turnbuckle bellowed.

Y/N gritted her teeth and her fists clenched as well as jaw, looking up to glare up at Turnbuckle.

"Let's rip his gizzard right out, right now!"

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