{Epilogue - Bandito}

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I woke up to the smell of smoke in the air, a usual morning here in Trench. I sat up and saw that Tyler was gone from his bed. I climbed out of the tent to see him talking with Josh and Debby. "Morning." He greeted. "Morning guys." I said back. "What are we talking about?" I asked. "Things are really starting to pick up speed here." Debby started. "I know, can you believe that in 3 months we've already more than doubled our numbers?" I asked. "No, I really can't." said Debby proudly. "But that's what we wanted to talk to you about." Josh said. "What?" I asked as Clifford landed on my shoulder. "There was an old Bandito legend about a vulture out here in Trench, and it was rumoured to carry "the heart of freedom", and the spirit of "Sahlo Folina"." Brendon began. "Clifford." I said with a smile as I reached my other arm up to pet him. "And it was also said that that vulture would lead all those who sought to be free from DEMA to their place in the world." Josh added. "And that's exactly what he did, when he brought us here, to the Bandito ruins. Just look at how great our camp has become and how much we've benefitted from all the leftover history that's here." Tyler said. "I don't get it, we already knew this." I said. "But there's one more thing." said Josh. "It was also said that the vulture would be able to tell who was worthy to lead." Debby said. I was confused for a moment, and then my hand petting Clifford slowed down and dropped. "You mean..." my voice trailed off as I looked up at them. "He chose you." Brendon said. My eyes went wide. "But I can't lead us! Not alone at least." I exclaimed. "Who said anything about being alone?" Tyler asked. "I'll be right here with you the whole time." He said. I smiled and took a deep breath. We had come so far. Since finding our place here at the old Bandito ruins we had learned so much, gained so many new friends, and grown into a great pack. Now it was time to officiate that, and I was lucky enough to be a part of it. I couldn't imagine what my life would have been like if I had never gotten out of DEMA, and I thanked my lucky stars every day that I got out of there, even if it take multiple Failed Perimeter Escapes and a near-death experience. It was all thanks to Tyler, and Josh and Debby and the others of course, but Tyler was there since day one. All those years ago when we met, all those nights spent writing letters to pass through the fence to each other the next morning. I don't think either of us would have ever dreamed of it going this far. I smiled to myself once more and looked back at them. "I would be honoured to lead The Banditos."

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