Chapter 3 - Settling Surprise

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What an odd time to update, I know. I wanted to update yesterday but wasn't feeling too well. Now that I'm feeling better I had to release this chapter as soon as possible. My chapter editor/writer seems to be glitching at the moment, so sorry for any excess space. Also, thanks for any Reads, Votes, Shares, or Comments. They make my day!

Picture of Theo.

Keegan's POV

Even with all of the chatter and noise going around the bus I still managed to doze off a bit. I didn't wake, even with the bus stopping and people pouring out. I don't know how long I was out.

I woke to a gentle shake on the shoulder. Thank goodness it was gentle cause if anymore pressure was applied I fear I would have scared who ever it was that was waking me. I'm very sensitive and jumpy. I try keeping my guard up at all times, probably due to my father. I never know when he's going to strike so I guess I've grown very, very, alert.

I turned my head to see who it was that woke me. There stood an asian guy, probably around the same age as me.

"Sorry to wake you... Its just, well, the teachers already assigned cabin keys to all of the students. Yours is the only one left." He said, pointing to the exit of the bus. "We all assumed, that maybe you didn't come on the trip. I just came to get my bag and well... saw you sleeping here." He continued before grabbing his bag. 

"T-Thanks for telling me... I didn't really plan on falling asleep." I replied shyly, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"I'll fill you in on the briefing the teachers gave to everyone earlier." He said giving me a faint half smile while nudging his head to the door. I followed him out the bus in silence. When I got outside the atmosphere hit me like a punch in the face. The sky was a solid blue, growing lighter near the retreating sun. Crap, I must have been knocked out for sometime if the sun was already setting.

"What time is it?" I hiss rubbing my eyes again.

"Around four-twenty." He answered after studying his watch for a moment. I guess its good that I got some sleep in though. Its kind of challenging trying to fall asleep, knowing that there's someone in your home that has it out for you. That being my father.

He took me over to a stump near a bunch of trees lined up near the ocean. There were several thing littered about, making it look like a camp. I heard voices of cheerful students coming from many directions. It seems they've already gotten settled into their cabins.

"Alright so, this is your key." He pointed to a single key lying in a box on the stump. "It has your cabin number, but if you aren't sure where to go it should be right in that direction." He pointed to my west. "We'll be having a tour of the town tomorrow. Teach said we get extra cred if we come along." He cracks a goofy smile. I couldn't help but to let it sneak onto my face. I looked up at him and the sun hit my eye, making me squint a little. "The day after we'll go hiking in the mountains and forest near by. I'm all about that extra cred man." He let out a slight chuckle. I'm not here for the extra credit, I don't care about my grades, I know I won't be going to collage anyway, due to the lack of support. I came here to get some time away from home. I suppose the tours could be fun though. "The teachers have a schedule near the main building so if you need anymore help, head there. I'm sure you can tell but the school can be a little scatterbrained at times so if something doesn't make sense you can always come to me. My cabin number is four." He explain pointing in the directions. 

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