Chapter 45 - Broken

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Here it is, the big chapter! I really appreciate all of the supportive comments. I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record but I means a lot, so thank you! :)

Song: Night Beds - Cherry Blossoms  (Don't play the song until it says so in the story for the added effect)

Keegan's POV

When I got home my father turned to me, arms folded. He was wearing a familiar look on his face, the one he wore when he went all out on mom. I had a feeling I knew where this was going, but hoped to god I was wrong. I was quivering in my spot like a frightened kitten.

"So... I got a call from your school." My father said in a deep rough voice. Crap, did they actually call my father?!

"They said you've been acting up, and that they're worried about you." He continued, folding his arms even tighter as I stayed silent in place.

"The man on the phone also mentioned this "trip" you went on? He said you started to changed ever since then, and decided to express his concern?" Oh s*** why?! I felt myself getting teary eyed. "Care to elaborate?" He muttered as he approached. My heart raced with every furthering step he made.

"D-dad, I'm sorry!" I apologized, breaking out into tears, hoping he'd forgive me.

"I asked him if you had your own room, and he told me you were bunked in one of the boys cabins?" Why does he even care what I do? Its not like he even sees me as his son anyway.

"I bet you f***** every one of them you were bunked with, right?" He growled.

"No dad, no I didn't!" I cried, backing up into a corner.

"You're an abomination of a child." He shouted before lunging at me. I fell to the floor after being pushed into a near by cupboard. Plates and glasses fell out, shattering beside me. I hesitantly glanced up to see my father still approaching. When he finally did reach me he stood there for awhile. He pulled out very familiar slip of paper.

"And this, why have you been hiding this?" He asked, shoving the slip into my face. After reading the first few digits written on the paper I realized it was the pin to my savings. How did he get that?! I had it placed safely behind a sheet of the wall!

"Now I can finally fix this damn house." He grumbled. This made me furious, since he's the one who smashed all the holes in it.

I unconsciously found myself muttering the word "no" over and over while reaching for the slip of paper. He looked dumbfounded by my actions. I realized I'd just made another huge mistake.

"You think you have the right to defy me?" He stood up to tower over me with a threatening look. "I've already withdrawn all of the money so even if you wanted to there's no way to get it back." My heart started picking up speed even though it was already racing. This can't be happening... The money was locked behind a pin, but it was still in my fathers account so he could easily get a hold of it as long as he knew it existed... and now he does.

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