Chapter 32 - Plan

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You guys' speculation is impressive! I'm not going to give any of the story away but you guys are perceptive.

I try posting every 5 days, though I'm not sure how long that'll be the case. You can expect the next chapter somewhere around Tuesday.

I returned to Theo's room and studied the place. He had a large dresser in front of his bed with a mirror just above it. I couldn't really see my reflection clearly since the room was pretty dim. I did notice his trophies and figures sitting on top of the dresser though. As I was admiring them I felt a pair of hands slide over my shoulders, making me jump.

"I see you've taken a liking to my collection." He chuckled stepping back from me.

"Uh yeah its impressive." I compliment, looking back to it.

"Me and my team grabbed a few wins during the last football season. I hope to win the next one. That's in just about a month or so." He explained then spoke to himself quietly.

"I hope you come." He said suddenly, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, hopefully I can make it." I rubbed my arm shyly.

"You better make it." He said in a deep stern voice, standing from the bed while slowly approaching me. My nerves jumped and I was suddenly on edge for what he might do. I eyed him worriedly as he closed the distance between us. We were now only inches apart. All of a sudden I felt fingers glide over my side, tickling me. Theo captured me and kept his grip as he drain the soul from my body. I felt myself gasping for air through my constant giggles. I tried escaping his grip and fell backwards onto his bed. He quickly crawled on top of me, pinning me under him. I bet I looked so helpless squirming under his giant body. Thankfully he didn't continue tickling me much longer. I threw my arms back onto his bed, trying to catch my breath with my subsiding laughter.

I shut my eyes, trying to relax and to my surprise felt hands slide into mine immediately making them shoot back open. Theo was towering above me and and still had me pinned under him. He pressed my hands against the bed, leaving me completely vulnerable. My mind was in shambles. I half expected him to kiss me, which would have marked several things off my bucket list. Instead he just laid on top of me, dropping all of his weight onto my small body. To be honest he didn't feel that heavy, I could bear it, that might have been because of the comforter below us though, it was probably absorbing most of his weight. My body flushed a red color as I was definitely flustered. This felt so good, his warmth was like sitting next to a heater, but the feeling was much more intimate. After giggling a bit I wrapped my small arms around his muscular back. I didn't think I had the courage to do it but it just came naturally and it felt perfect, neither of us were weirded out by the others actions which was a good sign. His head was perfectly sat at the crook of my neck. His hair smelt of raspberries and the midnight air, it really was blissful. He moved his head a little, making me release an unexpected whimper. I hope he didn't notice, that would be pretty embarrassing. This is the closest I've ever been with a guy, and probably anyone at all. Even though I figured he was just messing around I could still feel my heart about to burst through my ribcage. I was comfortable enough to lay in this position forever, so much so that I fell asleep.

I woke up next to a warm body lying beside me. I adjusted my position to see who it was and when I saw Theo everything that happened earlier came rushing back to me. I immediately turned a bright shade of red.

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