Chapter 41 - Those Who Lurk

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I've been busy with many projects this past week so this chapter is on the shorter side. Its a big one though so I'm sure it'll answer several questions ;)

Keegan's POV

She dropped me off on the street near my house as I tell everyone to do. We exchanged goodbyes and she drove off. I returned home in the thick fog that swallowed up the neighborhood. It was a pretty creepy sight but I've grown accustom to the occasional fantasy like mist.

The house was silent upon entering, and surprisingly stayed that way. I spent most of my night just reading, with the occasional thoughts of the game from earlier today passing through my head. I really felt bad for Theo. He deserved that victory. I was rooting for him but in the end it didn't matter, he still seemed so down after the match. Hopefully the guys will be able to cheer him up during the after party, or dinner rather. It isn't really a party since they weren't celebrating their win.

The thought of Theo also got me thinking about what it was he was going to tell me. It seemed pretty important, and now I'm going crazy trying to figure out what it could be. I decided it would be best just to go to bed and rest up for tomorrow, since work continues as well.

Theo's POV

On the drive to dinner the guys were as loud as hell. Its almost like they forgot all about the match, that or they were trying to forget. Even if that were the case they were still too freaking loud. I didn't bother saying anything though.

"What are you guys going to order?" Brandon asks, popping his head over the seat.

"Something light with a salad." Nicki said, staring at her phone.

"I'ma get a burger!" Stacie growled.

"Same!" Ash quickly lifted a hand.

"I don't know yet." I answered. My mind was still to wrapped up with the game... and Keegan. I couldn't tell him how I felt. The moment seemed ruined after being interrupted. I guess I'll have to try again some other time.

We arrived at a diner called Greg And Paul's Grill. Brandon gave directions to one of the guys from my team and he drove. Nicholas and Clark came along too. We had to take the guy's car cause it can hold up to eight people, and with so many of us going it only made sense.

Heads turned as the rowdy group and I entered the diner. We found a table and ordered our meals. I got a sloppy joe sandwich. It reminded me of the trip, the day me and Keegan shared our food. He was so shy and goofy, I still find it unbearably cute. Its becoming increasingly hard resisting him everyday.

The loud surroundings snapped me out of my daze. The guys were messing around. There were plenty of jokes being thrown around, some borderline offensive. Soon enough the girls were joining in. They were all having fun, forgetting about the game. It was probably better this way.

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