Chapter 38 - The Process And The Faces

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Oh shoot, I'm seriously late this time! haha. I'm really bad at keeping track of time. I'm shocked that you guys have gotten this book in the top thirty! Its currently sitting at number 34 but has gotten to 29 if I remember correctly. I never imagined having this many readers, I'm really happy you guys are enjoying the book so far!

Keegan's POV

As I headed over to the locker room I ran into non other than the man himself.

"Hey Keeg." He greeted, coming over to me.

"H-hi. That was a great match." I nervously complimented.

"Thank you, it was a lot of fun." He smiled and looked to the helmet in his hand, then back at me.

"Hey, I'm heading home, need a ride?" He asked.

"I have a few things to take care of. Alayne said she'd take me home." I informed. I definitely wanted to take him up on his offer, but if Alayne is right this'll be worth it in the long run.

"Ah... okay." His smile faltered. "Well see you later, I guess." He said, raising his helmet with a wave. I smiled back and returned the wave.

"Okay lets get this over with." I whispered to myself as I turned around.

I got to the locker room and found Theo's locker. Alayne gave me the combination. I'm still trying to figure out why she even has it, I guess all of his close friends know his combinations though.

I hesitantly rattled the lock after scanning the room for any other soul. I unlocked it then popped it open and saw his uniform laying there amongst many other things.

I picked up the sweaty clothing and hauled it to the laundry room. I sat on a bench waiting for the wash to finish.

After sometime the washing and drying had finally concluded. I was definitely going to be late for work at this point. I carried his uniform back to the boys locker room and folded it before placing it in his locker. I found Alayne standing near the exit of the school on her phone.

"All finished?" She asked, hearing my approaching footsteps.

"Yeah." I confirmed. "Hopefully he likes it."

"I'm sure he will. That guy is a sucker for little things." She smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Alright, lets get you to work." She said, now patting my back. I just groaned and tumbled out the door like a zombie.

We got in her car and buckled up. Alayne looked from side to side, searching for something.

"Everything okay?" I asked, watching her scramble around the car.

"Uh... I... I think I... left my bag in the school." She grunted between breaths.

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