Chapter 58 - Slip Of The Tongue

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Well this took longer than I expected. I didn't update last week cause I didn't want to force myself to write. That would've been stressful. Also I want to apologize if my writing is all over the place. It's really hard to stay consistent. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter though!

Keegan's POV

"Don't think I didn't notice. How did you score a man like him? He's very hard to approach, let alone get close to. During my later high school years I watched him act like a huge grump towards everyone who came up to him. Only a few got close enough for him to keep them around. Even then, he was still a jerk to them. And it seems nothings changed, he's still that grumpy cactus I've known him to be. But when he's with you it's like he's a whole different man. He's kind and caring towards you. That's something he's never really shown so it was easy to pick up on." She explained. I played with my fingers nervously, my heart still racing. The expression on her face was unreadable, I didn't know whether she thought it was acceptable or not. 

"Do you love him?" She asked.

"O-of course. More than you could ever know!" I answered.

She smiled. "That's good to know."

"Y-you're okay with it?"

"I'm okay with it. Does that really matter though? If you two are happy together then that should be enough." She said, offering another smile. "I can tell Theo's happy being with you. As I said earlier, he acts much different around you than when he's around anyone else." I couldn't hide the blush creeping onto my face.

Just as the conversation ended loud noises started coming from a couple isles over. It sounded like people shouting.

"Ooo, I love drama." Shaylene said excitedly, clapping her hands. Before I knew it she was on her way to the isle with the source of the noise.

I was surprised by the person that stood there in front of us. It was Shaine. It seemed as if her and another girl, one I've seen around school were in a fight.

"I'm not telling you again, I won't pay for that." Shaine yelled, clearly upset.

"You break it, you pay for it." The girl responded in a snooty tone.

"YOU bumped into ME!" Shaine yelled, using hand gestures.

"You're a lying b****." The girl huffed, flicking her head away from Shaine. Shaine scoffed at her. Their heated argument was drawing a lot of attention, it even pulled Charlie out of the woodworks.

One of the workers came over. "What's the problem here? If you two don't settle down we're going to have to throw you out."

"This a**hole wasn't watching where she was walking and bumped into me, dropping a load of crap on the floor. Now she wants me to pay for it." Shaine boiled. "I have a car to pay off. I can't afford to spend it on some rich chick."

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