Chapter 55 - Venture Of Old Memories

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I'm sorry this chapter is so late! I spent more time writing it than I thought. I continued writing until I felt it was a good place to stop at. I really appreciate your support, comments and votes, it really does mean a lot to me! 

Keegan's POV

The next morning I woke up feeling cold. Theo wasn't in bed. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I scanned the room for any sign of Theo but didn't see him. Just as I was stepping out of bed Theo appeared in the doorway.

"Morning." He said, smiling.

"Good morning." I replied back, also smiling.

"I brought you some breakfast." He was holding a plate of pancakes and eggs. I thanked him as he handed the plate to me. The food was tasty. When he heard my accidental moan he chuckled, it was short and quiet but he still managed to hear it somehow. I held the back of my hand over my mouth and blushed.

"So... what time did you want to head out?" He asked me, taking a seat beside me on the bed.

"Is ten too early?" I asked him, sitting the plate on my lap.

"Ten? as in ten-pm?" He questioned, looking at me as if I were mental.

"No dummy, I mean ten in the morning." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Do you know what time it is?" He raised a brow at me.

"I-I didn't check." I responded worried. Oh gosh, did I sleep in late? My head darted around the room, forgetting where Theo kept his clock. I groaned when I saw the time.

"Ten-thirty?" I wanted to go earlier so we'd have a smaller chance of running into my father. "How about twelve?" I settled for. Today had to be the day.

"I'll be ready anytime you want to go." He answered, laying backwards on the bed. I sat the now empty plate on the nightstand near by and joined Him. We laid like that for awhile. As much as I wanted to just sleep in with Theo I had to eventually get up and prepare for the day.

"G'Morning sleepy head." Darby greeted as I made my way into the kitchen.

"Yeah, morning, sleepy head." Charlie mimicked with a laugh. After washing my plate I took a seat at the table and chatted with them.

"So I heard you and Theo are going out again today." Darby said, grabbing a cup of steaming tea. I nodded. "Where are you two adventuring off today?" She asked, taking a seat.

"Um..." I started, nervously. "My house." She sat her cup down as if it had suddenly quadrupled in weight. Her look seem to hold even more.

"Why, Why would go back to a place like that?" She questioned, scrunching her brows.

"It's just to get some of my belongings." I explained, waving my hands back and forth in a short motion. "Assuming there's anything left to scavenge." She sat there staring at me for a moment.

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