Chapter 53 - Me And You

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This chapter is on the longer side. I went into detail with a lot of things, so I hope it doesn't end up boring. Also I've just noticed that this book hit a million reads. I'm speechless! I never imagined my books even reaching a thousand reads. I'm shocked that so many people enjoy my sub par writing! All I have to say is thank you for voting, thank for your comments and thank you for just reading it, that means a lot to me!

Song: A Cerulean State - Olēka (Don't play the song until it says so in the story for the added effect.)

Theo's POV

When Keegan saw the monkeys hopping just behind the glass his face lit up just as much as it had with the zebras. This time he wasn't allowed to pet them though. That was probably for the best. Monkeys are unpredictable. The little girl of the family that was beside us also had the same expression as Keegan. It made me realize how much of a kid he still was. A lot of his childhood was taken from him by his family, and it's as if his emotions laid dormant, like he locked himself away from the world. The more I get to know him the more I see his true self. He's a cheerful, caring, energetic dude. He's been through so much, he deserves this happiness, and it's just the tip of the iceberg.

We continued going from exhibit to exhibit. We saw dolphins, sea lions, turtles, giraffes, and several other animals. He named several of them. Stella, Jack, Big Head, Bobby, Johnny, Long Nose, and many others, but the most prominent name was... Theodore. I think he's just doing it to tease me at this point though. 

Even after all of the exhibits we went to we still hadn't found the Penguins. Just as we were heading over to the exhibit board to find their location my cursed stomach had to go and growl. To be honest I'd actually forgotten about breakfast, and it's already time for lunch. I was having too much fun to even notice how hungry I actually was. I didn't want to stop us from seeing the penguins though, we'd already been search for them for a long time. Keegan didn't mind, but I still felt bad delaying the guy's reunion with his little penguins.

Keegan smiled at me upon hearing my stomach's call for food. "I can buy us lunch." He offered, but there was no way I was going to accept that.

"No no, I'll buy us lunch." I declined. Today I was paying for everything. Despite how stubborn he can be sometimes he knew that I wouldn't change my mind.

He broke a little half smile before speaking. "Are there any places to eat around here?" He asked.

"I actually don't know." I replied before scanning the nearby area, hoping to find something even though I knew it wasn't likely.

"Excuse me, are you looking for the cafe?" One of the workers asked, walking up to us.

"There's a cafe here?" I asked with a curious expression. I don't remember seeing anything about that when looking this place up.

"Yeah, it's two halls down and on the left. You should be able to spot it pretty easily." She explained. We thanked her before following her directions.

We reached the cafe and like the woman said, it was hard to miss. It was both an indoor and outdoor cafe. Keegan looked taken back by the well designed interior. It wasn't anything special to me but he scoped it out like it was a pure work of art.

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