Chapter 9 - Wounds

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I don't know when the next chapter will be. I haven't been writing as much as I'd hoped and I have to do more planning, so I'm not exactly sure when I'll be able to get the next chapter out. Anyway thanks for any Reads, Votes, Comments or Shares! They are very motivational.

-Picture of Keegan

Theo's POV

Keegan looked frighted standing there so I started to assume they were trouble. Before I could tell them off they were throwing stones at Keegan. The poor guy looked too weak and helpless to move. I ran over to guard him as fast as I could. He was already bruised a little by the time I reached him. The sharp stones flying my way really hurt, but for some reason I was dead set on keeping Keegan safe.

"Piss off you jerks." I yelled through the barrage of stones.

They paused a moment, narrowing their eyes. "Why is someone like you helping a b***h like him." One of the guys asked after identifying me.

"The only b***hes I see around here are you three." I retort, sending a glare of a thousand suns their way.

"Pfft, lets go." The guy said to the others, nudging his head towards the path. A few seconds later I released Keegan from my protective grip. He still looked scared, and a little sad.

"Are you alright?" I ask, checking his arms for bruises. To my dismay he had a couple. His bottom lip was also busted.

"I-I'm sorry. I should have kept my mouth shut." He choked up.

I placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him. "This isn't your fault. Those bastards probably would've done it anyway." I helped him off the ground and supported him down the path to the park. He stayed silent the whole time, looking upset.

The damage I'd taken from those stones was bad enough to where I had to go see a nurse. When me and Keegan got to the office she was nowhere to be found.

"Are you kidding me? Can't anyone ever do their job right!" I snapped, making Keegan worried. "Sorry. let's... lets just go back to the cabin." I sigh, walking out the door. Keegan was able to walk on his own now so I was a little ahead of him. This day was going well until those pricks showed up. The look on Keegan's face when we were in the forest was something I never thought was possible. It was like he had been animated. His eyes lit up when we saw that deer near the exit of the forest. The time when he spotted those bunnies, he looked so... cute. I don't know, there was just something about him that made my stomach feel light and tingly. Like I mentioned before, the feelings I have towards him are unusual for me.

When we got back to the cabin the first thing I did was look for the first aid kit. During my tour of the cabin on our first day here I saw one under the kitchen sink. Thankfully it hadn't moved. I lifted it and brought it back to the bedroom. I opened the kit and realized I had no idea what half of these things did. After awhile I shut it and stuffed it under my bed, planning to use it later.

Now was a good time to take a shower. Its starting to get late and I still need to wash all the blood off my back before applying any bandages. With that I headed off to the bathroom and stripped for the shower. It took a little longer than usual due to the blood and bruises. I got out and dressed myself. I left my shirt off, cause it would make the bandaging easier. When I got back to the room a surprise was waiting for me.

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