"Hey, you wanna go on an adventure with me?"

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Sanji tosses and turns in his bed till the storm dies down and light starts peeking in from the curtains signifying the start of the day.

Might as well just start the day.

The items help him out with the chores, an old man named Zeff takes pity on him and sends him supplies that he needs and in exchange Sanji gives him the surplus of fish he catches for Zeff's restaurant, the baratie.

Sanji has long unruly blond hair. It helps in hiding his appearance to unwanted guests for the most part, it's why he keeps it long. He usually keeps it tied up to not worry about it while working.

So today he brushes it and ties it in a ponytail, his hair covering most of his face except for one eye.

Luffy wakes up to the smell of warm toast with butter, tea, eggs and sausages.

A very Good Morning for him he thinks to himself.

After the meal Luffy slides across the wooden railing falling on his back after not being able to control his speed.

Sanji rushes at the sound of the loud thud.

" Are you alright? "

And Luffy just grins.

" Nothing to worry about. Thank you for the meal it was delicious, "

"I'm glad you liked it, "

Sanji says, offering a hand so he can pull Luffy up to his feet.

" Do you wear gloves all year round? "

" Nope. Only when other people enter the manssion. Which iss, not often, "

Sanji says the last bit more to himself than to Luffy.

" Your clothess are wasshed, dried and pressed on the table in the room you sslept at. "

" Are you kicking me out? "

" No, your parentss must be worried for you, "

"Parents? "

"You don't have any? "

"No, I grew up with my grandpa and brothers Ace and Sabo! You should meet them someday. They're so strong and cool, they'll be excited to meet you! "

" No thankss, "

Luffy's shoulders sag. He walks up the stairs and changes into his clothes.

" Hey wanna go on an adventure with me? "
"No, "

" you say no to everything, "

" Jusst becausse you're okay with me doessn't mean everyone will be, "

Luffy pouts, the items seem to be taking his side with big doe eyes trying to convince Sanji to go.

" Can't get peace in thiss housse, "

Sanji stomps off to his room.

Luffy takes a seat at the rocking chair in front of the unlit fireplace near the staircase and looks out the window.

It's a bright and sunny day, no one should be staying cooped up in their house Luffy thinks to himself.

The flowers and birds await his arrival.

Sanji feels his heartbeat quicken at the thought of meeting other people, meeting them when they will stare at him with disgust and apprehension.

He doesn't want to go through that.

There's some who even give him pity, which feels the worst of all.

There's a knock on his door,

"Sanjiiii sanjiii I need you to come with me there's something very important. Sanji sanji! "

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Sanji feels a headache coming from the noise so he opens the door.

"I thought you fell asleep! "

" Go away already, "

"Grumpy old man, "

"I'm 20,"

"Ohh... I'm 19,"

"You're still a grumpy old man, "

Luffy says crossing his arms, he seems annoyed.

Sanji thinks he doesn't have the emotional energy to fight with this kid.

So he takes a gamble, he knows it's gonna conclude in a tragedy but once Luffy sees how people react, he won't ask him again right?


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