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Sanji just prays everything goes smoothly.

They're back at the cabin and Usopp is less jumpy this time,

" So you're gonna tell me why you're running away from Ace? "

Luffy questions again and Sanji hates those eyes, those curious eyes as they look at him, all knowing as if he can read his mind with just a look but if that were true, he wouldn't be asking him this.

" I've already ssaid, it'ss not ssafe for you to be around me. It'ss my decission to let you be ssafe, away from me, "

Sanji says his claws digging into his palm, concealing all the hidden pain as he tries to distract himself.

" You keep repeating this bullshit. I'm not a fragile piece of glass, "

" I'm a fucking monsster, look at me, "

Sanji roars out, his eyes glowing, but the intimidation isn't enough to drive Luffy away, it never is.

Usopp cowers a little as he comes back with the telephone, leaving it on the table and runs back to his room.

Luffy picks up the receiver dials a number starts talking a few seconds later

"Yes, it's Luffy, I'm at usopp's place, yes Sanji is here too. Okay, "

Sanji slaps his forehead at that, as Luffy puts down the receiver grabs him by his shirt yanking him towards himself

" Why the fuck did you tell him I'm with you? "

" You both need to talk it out and you better not leave, "

"No I am gonna leave, '' Sanji says, letting go of him to walk out.

Luffy grabs at him at full force and yanks him down, he's still weak from the medicines but his emotions are heightened, his eye bloodshot red.

" You will stay, "

And sanji doesn't have the motivation to protest, he rubs at his temples, notices the blood dripping from his palms.

Luffy soon notices too,

"How did you-"

"  It'ss fine don't worry about it, "

Sanji gets up and washes his hands till the bleeding stops,

" The first aid is in the cabinet under the sink, "

Usopp calls out probably overhearing their conversation the entire time from somewhere.

Sanji pulls out medicine and bandages, luffy walks up to him, the anger washed away only kindness, and that flip was so fast.

He feels like a whole different person.

Sanji fidgets as he waits, a million scenarios racing through his mind. Most of them negative.

Luffy opts to lie down on the bed, munch on some grapes lying on the bedside table.

" Try these it's really sweet! "

" Don't have an appetite, "

Luffy just shrugs and continues eating.

Sanji picks at his bandages, a red hue slowly blooming as the bleeding continues

There's a knock on the door and Luffy gets up to open it, Ace brushes past him and sits down on the bed, stares directly at Sanji.

" Ace I-"

Luffy starts, but Ace puts up a hand to stop him.

" I had told you, to not see Luffy again hadn't I?"

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