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The road they follow is pretty rough but they're able to get through it pretty easily, climbing down cliffs, the soft ground giving way but at least it's not wet or slippery, the grass is bright green to the point it almost feels fake.

Luffy clears the path pretty easily, small and agile running through the grounds.



"Have you met the Qbee they sspeak of?"

" I have, they're big, old and scary, but they take care of the tontattas well, they also have an obsession with sweets,"

"Fits them then,"

Sanji follows Luffy who rushes through, the path now a little smoother yet the grass is still yet vibrant green, Luffy's shirt flutters in the air, his hat on his head, he looks small, fragile, he's anything but that; Sanji is alot easier to break he thinks to himself.

Luffy abruptly stops and Sanji almost bumps into him, he looks ahead to see a man short, with a long beard and hair guarding a bridge,

"It's the troll bridge,"

" The toll bridge?"

"No the troll bridge, it's guarded by a troll,"

" It lookss like he iss guarding the bridge"


Sanji walks up to the troll who looks him up and down, confident, cocky despite their size difference.

" You must answer my question before you pass the bridge,"

" What'ss the quesstion "

" What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon and three at night,"


Sanji answers easily.

" Woah you're so smart,"

" I jusst read a lot of bookss in my sspare time,"

" Let us pass then Mr troll,"

" I said you have to compete with me in this riddle match,"

"But you ssaid-"

" You're saying I'm lying?!??"

The troll huffs, irritated at why Sanji was able to answer so easily.

" I must passs or the desssertss will be ruined,"

"Yeah! Mr troll man and I want to eat them!!!"

"Silence, you must ask me a question now. If I can't answer it, you may pass,"

Sanji and Luffy look between each other, thinking of a question, or a riddle in this case.

But it doesn't have to be a riddle, does it?

" What'ss in my pocket?"

Sanji asks.

" But that's not a riddle!"

" You ssaid a question, he ssaid a quesstion didn't he, young boy,"

" Yeah! You said a question!"

Luffy plays along.

" Okay, but give me 3 guesses,"

" I can do that for you,"

"Ur pocket is empty"


The troll turns red with irritation, his face contorts in more and more anguish by the second.

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