A Melody

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Sanji wakes up early as usual and Luffy is greeted with breakfast but also an empty bed.

He yawns and stretches his limbs, another beautiful summer day; the sun shines bright and warm peaking from the pale blue curtains.

After breakfast Luffy searches for Sanji, he looks around in all the rooms that he's been before, but he can't find him anywhere.

So he asks a painting.

"Where's Sanji? "

" Young master is probably in the library? "
"Where's the library? "

" Take a candle, "

"Oh right, "

So luffy takes a candle which leads him to the library, you'd almost miss it even if you've been in the palace, it's more private, a little secluded.

Sanji was dusting some of the books at the top with a ladder, he sees Luffy walk in with a candle, who chatters about the huge number of books and musical records this place has since the young master's mother was very much into music and literature.

Luffy wearing one of Sanji's t-shirts which reaches up to his knees has Sanji smiling to himself.

Maybe he'd like waking up to this sight everyday.

He shakes his head at the thought as he comes down the ladder, record in hand.

" What's that? "

" a mussic record for ballroom dance, "

" We can dance to this! "

Luffy says excitedly.

"Yess, but not upbeat like you'd think. It'ss an album for sslow waltz, "

"What's that? "

" a kind of sslow dance. "

"Oh I want to try it! "

"You do? "

"Yeahhh, "

Luffy says a little unsure, he probably hasn't wrapped his head around the whole concept but he's always willing to try something new.

Sanji takes off his reading glasses and places them on a table. He slides open the Vinyl and places it on the gramophone.

Smooth slow piano music starts off, a few more instruments join. Sanji holds out his hand for Luffy to take and pulls him close.

Some of the items start humming as they move around the room, luffy's feet bump against Sanji's a few times, but for the most part he tries to follow the others steps.

He starts smiling after a while, his eyes crinkling up and he lets Sanji lead him without worrying too much.

They stop dancing after a few minutes as the record stops spinning.

"Tea? "

Sanji offers. Their breaths a little heightened from the exertion.

"Yeah, "

"I'm ssurprised no one hass sstarted ssearching for you, "

" My brothers might've. I don't know, "

" You don't wanna call and let them know you're alright? "

"Hmm you're right maybe I should do that, "
Sanji looks at him in disbelief and wonders how his brothers are. He hands him the telephone receiver urging him to dial their number.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Tell sabo not to worry. Okay bye! "

"... That'ss it? "

"Yep, "

"Okay... "

There's a moment of silence but then Luffy speaks up,

" So you wanna go out and adventure today? "

"Nope, I'm gonna be out tonight fisshing sso I'll rest, "

" Can I go with you? "

Luffy asks, his eyes sparkling at the mention of travel.

"No, "

"Why not? "

"It'ss too dangerouss at night esspecially and I don't trusst you to sstay ssafe, "

"I promise Sanji, I'll be safe please please, "

"No, "

"I'll follow you anyways, "

Sanji sighs; arguing with Luffy is like telling the waves of the sea not to crash.

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