we fly

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Unlike where Sanji had thought; Luffy would take him aka the city,

Luffy took him to the hillside.

A little cottage there. It looks comfortable, bizarre plants growing out from different corners of it. The soft grass under his feet makes him feel relaxed, the place is very lively during the day, the air is light, birds squeak in the high trees.

As Luffy opens the door Sanji takes a deep breath and walks in after him, bowing a little since the door is a little short.

They walk a little to reach a boy in his room,about the same age as luffy, tinkering away on a work desk, rotating a screwdriver on some device. He's surrounded by various metallic parts, grease, wires, tape and other knick knacks.

He's wearing brown clothes and a bandana with some head gear, probably used to take a closer look at objects.

"Oi Luffy I'm busy I can't play or go out with you today, "

He says without looking up.

" I've got a friend to introduce you to! "

Usopp finally looks up and the impact of what he sees makes him fall backward.

Sanji walks out the door.

"Hey wait, Usopp are you okay, "

"L-luffy what was that,"

" That's my friend Sanji! Don't be rude. Are you alright, you seem okay, "

Luffy says and runs to get Sanji back.

" He didn't mean to-"

Luffy rushes towards Sanji and grabs his cloak, sanji turns and screams out;

"Haven't you had enough Luffy? Let me go back home! "

"You don't understand! Usopp just got startled he didn't mean to react like that, please come back, "

"Luffy bro! What brings you here, "

A huge man in speedos, with huge shoulder pads no it looks metallic, metal legs, metal nose walks up to them.

" Sanji, meet Franky, he's Usopp's uncle! "

"Yo sick look bro! Where'd you do your teeth from, "

"I'm, I uh, "

Sanji feels flabbergasted. His brain can't form a coherent sentence but he's glad Luffy is there to fill in the gaps,

"He was cursed, I was trying to get him to try the plane cycle since we needed stronger manpower, "

"Oh right right, step right in then! Hope Usopp's alright in there, he's kinda faint hearted, "

As Franky walks in front, Sanji whispers to Luffy asking about who he is,

"I just told you he's usopp's uncle, "

"Why doess he look like, "

"Oh he's a cyborg. He built himself a new body after getting into a train crash. "

And that's a lot of information to absorb but Sanji goes with it.

As they get back to the place, Usopp still maintains his distance. Cowering a little in fear, Sanji is used to worse so it doesn't bother him as much.

Franky opens the garage to show off the mechanism.

It's a cycle with a glider like wings attached to it. There are two seats and Sanji wonders if it'll be able to take his weight.

"Alright Luffy and Sanji I'm handing her over to you, best of luck, "

He says patting both Sanji and Luffy's shoulders.

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