home is where the heart is

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Sanji's stomach churns, the nighttime when it's all peaceful and quiet he finds it difficult to shut off his thoughts. Worries of tomorrow already haunt him and he knows he won't get much sleep tonight.

Somewhere along the night he does get to sleep but is awoken soon enough by Luffy who insists on babbling about something, adventure or breakfast it's all a blur till sanji's actually conscious.

" I'm hungry Sanji!"
" What time iss it?"

Sanji asks yawning a little, rubbing his eyes at the sunlight.

The clock on the wall reads 10am.

Sanji rubs his bleary eyed, the sun shining directly on his face, Luffy must've opened the windows and moved the curtains. Luffy looks at him with his usual bright eyes.

"Excited aren't we?"

"Yes! Did you sleep well,"

Sanji shakes his head, he knows his eyes must be red, but at least he doesn't seem to have a headache.

" I'll be fine though,"

" Wait, I'll cook"


Luffy gets off the bed, stomping off despite Sanji's insistence.

" At least listen to the items please!"


Mr candles hops around and follows Luffy who picks him up.

" You're gonna be my guide,"

When Luffy reaches the kitchen it's all calm, the floors are shiny and so are all the appliances, ready for the day's use.

"Where's young master,"

Comes a small voice.

Luffy walks towards the sound, it's a teacup peaking at him, tentatively.

"I'm in charge of the kitchen today!"

"No you're not, bring back young master,"

"Oh now now teacup don't be rude to Luffy. Uh dear are you sure you'll be okay on your own?"

" Yes, but what do you, what does he make for breakfast?"

" You seem new in the kitchen, so I'll recommend you make something easy, scrambled eggs and toast?"

"Eggs are in?"

"The fridge dear..."

Luffy walks toward the fridge and opens it and he can feel multiple eyes on him breathing down his neck.

" You should probably get 4 eggs and the bread is inside the top cabinet above the stove. Put the eggs in a bowl so they don't slide off and crack,"

" Okay okay wow this is complicated,"

" Don't worry dear, I'll walk you through it. Just like I did for the young master all those years ago,"

" You taught him how to cook?"

" No, Zeff did but he was alone in this kitchen so I had to direct him the right way. He was a bright young boy, caught things really quick even though he has a temper. Very eager to learn,"

Luffy follows the instructions and everything is going fairly smoothly for now.

" Okay so now crack the eggs in the bowl by lightly tapping the horizontal end on the corner of the bowl, be gentle love. Try not to get any shells."

Luffy does as he's told, but still a few shells get in the bowl.

" Go wash your hands, it'll be easier to take out the shells with wet hands."

Luffy walks to the sink, the water is lukewarm and easily fishes out the small eggshells.

Sanji tosses and turns, sleep gone so he gets up. He wants to trust Luffy with the kitchen; but he's worried he's gonna hurt himself.

A peep won't hurt now will it?

No no, need to trust Luffy, he said he'd do it.

Sanji freshened up and came to the magic wardrobe.

"Young master, Happy Birthday,"

" Thank you, I'd like you to dress me and Luffy today,"

" Of course master, any requests?"

" Red, white, gold. Give a cape on mine."

" I see, for both?"

"Yes, knee length shorts for Luffy and hmm I don't know if he'll like the cape but design one anyways. Use the gold for accessories"

" Here are the clothes, young master,"

"Thank you."

Sanji holds the clothes close to his chest,

"Hope Luffy likes them,"

The mixture of eggs sits on the counter, the steaming toasts resting on the plates as if waiting for the eggs.

The pan also steams, vaporising the last of the water,  Luffy pours in the eggs it splatters around but he was able to get most of it in.

"Good job you got it on the 2nd try,"

Luffy taps his temple and ms cupboard asks him to grab a spatula as if reading his mind.

After a mild burn from suddenly grabbing the hot handle, Luffy was finally able to transfer the scrambled eggs to the plates.

Two glasses of orange juice also were put on the tray and Luffy wanted to carry it upstairs

But was stopped.

" You've done well, leave the rest to us!"

The crockery squeaked.

Luffy rushes upstairs, Sanji already dressed, now brushing his hair.

"You're up! I made breakfast, that will make you feel better,"

"Thank you Luffy,"

"Food always makes me feel better,"

Steam can be seen rising from the food, a sweet and savory aroma spreads through the room.

Sanji ties up his hair and picks up a forkful of food to his mouth.

" It's good,"

" It is, just a little more salt,"

Sanji says as he puts in more, Luffy also digs in. Really happy with his own work.

Sanji brings out the clothes and puts it on the bed.

" That's for you,"

" For our adventure today?"


Luffy unfolds the clothes and holds up the shirt Infront of him, eyebrows furrowed.

"Come on spit it out, it's your size though right?"

" It is my size but-"

Luffy pulls at the gold accessories, tearing them off of the clothes.


" I was thinking you might not like those"

"I want a black Cape because I'm a bandit,"

Luffy says to himself arms crossed nodding his head.

"I'll get one made then"

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