what good are you?

193 13 5

The clock strikes 11 an hour before midnight and Sanji is done with checking and packing all his gear, Luffy walks up, a lot more clothed than usual, raincoat, long jeans still the usual sandals on.

"Let's go! "

Sanji pulls on the hood of this raincoat and ties the strings,

"Why are you sstill wearing sandalss? You didn't wear the bootss? "

"That's my police! "

"You mean policy? "

"Yeah that! "

" I don't care, wear the bootss, above the ssandalss if you need to, "

"No, "

"I'm not taking you if you don't, "

Luffy shakes his head and just grins.

" You act like I want to do this, "

Sanji's smile betrays him and they walk out, Sanji a few minutes of walking later they arrive at a stable, Sanji unlocking the fence of a brown stallion, and bringing him out.

Luffy pets the horse's black mane, and it noses at his hand, sanji gives the horse pieces of carrot and it neighs,

" What's his name? "

" Mutton. "

"Mutton? "

"That'ss the name he resspondss to, it wass given to him by hiss previouss owner, "

"Interesting, "

Luffy laughs at that, a horse named mutton.

Sanji hooks the items to the saddle and is the first one to get on and he pulls  Luffy to sit in front of him.

They travel for a bit, Luffy wears a big grin on his face, as the air hits his face, his hair fluttering tickles his face as Sanji holds the reins and guides the horse.

They soon get to another stable, but now they're closer to the sea, the air smells like sea water.

Sanji takes off the items from the saddle, leads mutton to his fence, petting his face as mutton breathes out a neigh.

Luffy runs towards the sea, the seashore being extremely windy and cool chills his skin.

Sanji soon follows him, leading him to his fishing boat.

It's small but functional, luffy excitedly jumps in the boat and they soon set sail.

The sea is calmer than usual but the boat still slowly rocks at almost every slight wave, sanji throws a net and waits, Luffy pouts a little,

"What is it? "
Sanji asks,
"I'm bored! I thought this would be an adventure! "

" I never said thiss was an adventure, nor did I assk you to come, "

"You said it was dangerous! "

"Yess, it iss. It'ss just not an exciting danger. The threat looms beneath thesse deep sseass waiting, wailing, "

" Yeah okay stop creeping me out, "

Sanji laughs, the net is brought back to the boat, it's a decent catch, a few  venomous colourful fish also in the mix, they'll probably bring good money.

"Woah pretty colours-"

Luffy says as he goes to hold them but Sanji stops him, grabbing at his arms.

" They're not safe to touch Luffy, "

" You don't let me do anything, "

"You didn't come here to do anything, "

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