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I groggily opened my eyes. It almost felt like someone had super glued them shut.

Finally opening both of them, squinting a little as I looked at the room around me.

Where the hell am I?

I continued to look around, feeling a migraine start to surface.

I'm definitely not in a hospital. This looked more like a countryside clinic.

Where did that stupid lake carry me? Last I checked I didn't live in some run down cowboy town.

I sharp pain shot through my head making me whimper.

Ah fuck that hurts

The smell in the small room made me want to gag. It was a mixture of moldy cheese and horse poop.

If this is heaven, then shit, they should've sent me to hell.

I looked to my side, at the beeping monitor that attached to my arm with a needle.

I despise needles.

I slowly and surely started pulling on it softly.


They should've left me for dead if they were gonna torture me like this

Finally having pulled the needle out, the beeping monitor turned to one of a flat line.

I dropped my head back on my pillow, savoring the feeling of fake dying and trying to calm down the migraine that had propaged.

Seconds later, the door to my room bursted open, making me scrunch my eyes.


I could hear feet scurrying around the room.

I could feel the worry and fear of the people around me resonate across the room.

So another place I'm not dying at is a clinic or hospital. You can't even die in peace here.

I finally opened my eyes. Making it known that I wasn't actually dying.

"Can y'all shut the fuck up" I groaned as nicely as possible, trying to hide my annoyance, pinching the top of my nose trying to sooth the migraine.

Everything in the room seemed to freeze still. Even the annoying fly that kept buzzing since I woke up stopped moving.

"Y-Your awake" the nurse looking lady stuttered out shocked.

"No I'm dead" I dead panned as I rolled my eyes.

She looked at me less than amused.

"Young lady, you've been in a coma for about a year and a half" she said slowly, putting her hand on my shoulder, almost not believing that I was actually awake

My eyes widened

"Your telling me I've been living in this shit hole for a whole year and a half??"

The ladie's eyebrows furrowed looking a little insulted by my honest comment.

Wow a whole year and a half. So fucking embarrassing.

Rip to those who had to wipe my ass.

But to be honest wasn't she over reacting just a little bit, like some people spend decades in a coma. I've only been out for like less than two years.

The silence in the room could be cut with a knife.

I lightly coughed trying to break the uncomfortable feeling I was getting

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