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"Hi, im Jack," the man extends his hand to grab mine in a handshake

"It's lovely to meet you. Wow, you have your mother's beauty," he says, eyeing me down. Finally, meeting my eyes, the biggest smile i have ever seen rises on his face.

A shiver crawls up my spine

I looked to my right, up at my mother , who, for the first time in years, wears the biggest smile, her eyes glinting with sparks.

I forced a smile on my face.

She's happy.

"Hi, im Mariana."

Something flashed through Jacks eyes

"What a beautiful name you have, Mariana."

I broke eye contact, finally pulling my hand free from his grasp.

That was the start of years in misery,


- 1 week later -

I made my way down the corridor. My hands in my pockets, free of any books and materials for my first class of the day.

Miss Pashley's class

It's not like she teaches us anything worth doing or writing down

God, how did she even get her teaching degree?

Bet she got it off of Craigslist

I 100% think kids would learn more in a meth lab than in her class

And teachers wonder why kids drop out

Finally reaching my favorite class!

I walk in through the door, paying no mind to Miss Pashley. Considering I've missed most of her classes, my presence alone can likely make her go into a killing spree.

I made my way to the back of the class, towards my seat . Locking eyes with Luka, he waves at me, and I give him a warm smile back.

I finally sit in my seat, slouching for the hours of boredom to come.

Dreadful hours and classes went by. Now, finally being free, I made my way towards the cafeteria.

I grabbed some food and looked towards Lukas table. Luka was not there, but I locked eyes with Eric. For the past couple of days, Eric has helped me a lot with understanding their lifestyle, the CGL lifestyle that is.

But for a while now, I've wanted to ask him something very personal involving a scene I've witnessed a week ago. Of course, no name would be said, I just need to know what it all means.

Determination surges through my body, as I start my strides towards him.

He squimers in his seat, and he avoids eye contact in nervousness.

I frown as I finally reach him

"Yo you okay?"

His eyes finally shot up to me in realization and disbelief.

"Holy fuck" he whispers out

The fuck?

"Your not even an alpha" he squirmers in his seat and seems to whisper to himself

I place my hand on his shoulder, worried and confused

"Eric you okay?"

He looks opposite of me and nods his head

Then suddenly stands up

"Just remembered i have things to finish up, uh talk to you later, byee" he speed walks away from me as if his ass caught fire.

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