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"I understand that all this is new for you," Miss Camel says calmly

"Some might even say scary, considering the circumstances being thrown at you. You came here expecting an education, and then you find out you are mated to wolves, 3 werewolves, notheless. " she looks at me with a glint of what seems like understanding and pity

"How would you describe what you're feeling right about now about these circumstances?" she finishes, holding her pencil tightly ready for whatever I'm about to say

I look around me, Miss Camel had all of us seated in chairs forming a circle. I felt as if i was in an alcoholic intervention conference. All four men were staring me down, awaiting my answer.

I look a deep breath, closing my eyes 

I've never been the type to enjoy talking in front of a large group of people, well I've never really liked talking to anybody.

There was a time when i yearned for the attention of boys, but that was a long time ago, before i started despising the attention of men.

So can you imagine how fucking PRESSURED i must feel right now?? Like Miss Camel where is girlhood and feminism when you need it??!!

I opened one eye to check If they were still looking my way. And i will confirm yes everyones attention is still on me

I closed my eye once more.

Fuck my life

I reopened my eyes, trying to give off bored vibes

"Next, double it give it to the next person" i yawned pointing my finger to Xander

"Excuse me?" The lady asks confused

Argh, why cant' my problems be solved easily like that

"Sorry what was your question again" i asked scratching the back of my neck

She wrote something in her notes

"I asked how you feel about everything that has happened till this point ?"

"Oh yah uh, well" i cough awkwardly, "Well like the usual, its not really shocking or anything..well i mean it is shocking, but like as shocking as surviving suicide right? Uh i mean like its not the same thing but its like two shocking things right. So i mean im cool. Im a pretty opened minded person, so its whatever "

Lets' just say im glad i never joined the debate clubs back in high-school

For some reason the silence in the room seemed to become louder.

Then the silence got broken by the fast movement of Miss Camels pen.

"Why compare this situation to suicide? Are you saying this situation makes you feel like harming yourself or potentially killing yourself" she asks me in all seriousness


I've really dug my own grave with that one

"Not really...?"

"Not really? Is that a yes then?"

Im' really starting to hate this lady

"NO! I meant no. I dont' want to hurt myself, and im not suicidal. So next question please"

The four men kept looking between me and Miss Camel bickering. Most of the men seeming worried and then there is Xander who seems somewhat amused .

I fisted my right hand, digging my nails into my palm to distracte myself from the attention.

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