Chapter 1 (meeting my mates)

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"What's wrong my light?" Alpha Rosalie asks me kneeling down and pulling me close to her.

"I-I-I c-can-can't"

"Just breath baby. Shhhh your ok." Alpha Natasha says rocking me, kinda like a baby. I feel safe.

"Take a deep breath. In and out." I do as alpha Rosalie said. In and out. In and out.

"Take her outside." A deep voice says from behind me.

"Who are you and why would we take her outside?" Alpha Natasha asks.

"I'm Alexis, her best friend. You should take her outside because that's how she usually calms down when she has a panic attack." Both alphas nod and alpha Rosalie picks me up. She picks me up, her arm around my waist and another underneath my legs. I lay my head on her chest listening to her breathing and her heart beat.

"That's is baby, relax." She soothes walking outside. I reach my hand out so that alpha Natalie can hold my hand. I like the sparks.

"Ok, I'm going to sit down now ok?" I nod and she sits down with me on her lap. I feel the breeze go through my hair. I smell the fresh crisp air. I feel the cold wind around my body.

"There you go. That's it. Just relax for us love." Alpha Rosalie says while rubbing up and down my back. She kisses my forehead making a shiver go down my spine.

"A-a-alpha N-Na-Natalie." She crouches down in front of me, behind Alpha Rosalie. She raises her hand and moves a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yes baby?"

"Ho-hold m-me please?"

"Of course my love." They somehow situate themselves so that I'm like sandwiched between them. They both whisper sweet things in my ear and kiss down my neck. I eventually calm down and completely relax onto them.

"Baby, do you want to tell me what happened?"

"They're going to kick me out... this was the final straw." They looked at me confused

"Who? Who's going to kick you out and what was the final straw love?"

"M-my family... t-they were about to kick me out. T-they g-gave me one more chance... I blew it."

"How did you blow it?"

"They're very.... They don't support people dating the same gender..." I trail off at the end remembering how they sent me to a camp because they thought I was turning the wrong way. Now I have 2 females as mates. Alphas at that.

"So they're homophonic?" I nod looking down.

"well you never have to go back my love. You can stay with us." I lift my head and smile

"Really?!?" They both nod smiling.

"I-I thought you guys wouldn't want me to move in... maybe you guys would reject me. I mean y-you guys are mates. You met before I did... you...-

"We what my light?"

"Y-you know each other... love each other... you've already been in a relationship. You know if your going to reject me... please just do it now." I look up at their faces to see that they seem appalled about what I said. They both hold onto me tighter.

"We're not ever going to reject you. Ever." Alpha Rosalie reassures and alpha Natalie nods. They both hug me.

"My love, we may not know each other very well but I do know that you deserve the world. You already have the both of us wrapped around your tiny little finger. All you have to do is ask and we'll do. Yes we have been in a relationship longer than we have with you but that doesn't change the fact that you are our mate. I don't want to speak for Rosalie but I'm very very glad you came into my life and I'm very excited to get to know you little one."

"I agree. You have me wrapped around your little tiny finger so tight that no matter what you ask me to do, I'll do it without question. I'm also so, so glad that I met you and I'm so excited to get to know you. Our packs are going to be so happy we have another mate." Alpha Rosalie says practically bouncing with excitement.

"U-uh are y-you sure I can live with you? I mean I don't want to I-impose-

"Baby, we'd be so so happy if you would come live with us. You wouldn't be imposing, not one bit. I know it's a lot to ask, you'd have to leave everybody you know but we'd come visit and-

"I'd love to move in with you. I don't care if I don't see these people again. My family.... Aren't nice people... I hate this pack." They both smile standing up pulling me up with them.

"Well then, lets go home?" Alpha Natalie asks and I nod.

We start walking back towards the pack house where the alpha stays. There's 2 pack houses, one where normal pack members stay and one where the higher ups stay. All the other alphas and betas thought that it was weird that there was 2 pack houses.

"Ok love, go to your room and get your stuff while Rosalie and I talk with Bambi."

"Bambi?" They both laugh

"He looks like Bambi so about a year ago, Natalie nicknamed him Bambi." I start laughing with both of them.

"Ok, ok go. I'll go get my stuff." I say chuckling

I walk back to my room. I hate this room. It has horrible memories and even the way there makes me shiver.

Once I arrive to my room I grab my back pack And pack my stuff. I don't have a lot of stuff at all so I can pack it all into my bag. I look over to the corner where I keep valuable things. I don't have many but I do have something.

My room is ugly. Plain and simple. It has 4 concrete walls and a concrete floor. I have a mattress on the floor and a flimsy blanket to sleep with. I don't even have a pillow. My parents said I didn't deserve one because I'm... gay. My grandparents knew though, they were the only ones that supported me.

My grandparents died when I was young. They were the ones that would take care of me. They knew my parents weren't good people. Gran taught me how to cook, grandpa helped me with my homework. Gran did leave me something when she died. She gave me the cookbook. The one that been passed down, generation to generation.

I reach and grab the book. I start flipping through the pages seeing some of the first recipes I ever made. I used to sit next to her on the counter stirring the food. 

"My light, are you ok?" Alpha Natalie asks

"Yes alpha Natalie. Just remembering some stuff." She walks towards me shaking her head

"It's just Natalie to you love." I nod and she pulls me into a hug. I rest my head on her chest and listen to her heartbeat.

"Let's go home shall we?" Alpha Rosalie asks from behind me.

"Not so fast. Where do you think your going Amber? And why is your head on that girls boobs?" I hear a squeaky annoying voice ask behind me. Mother.

"Mother I found my mates. I will be leaving with them." I say trying to hide that I am freaking terrified of this women.

"Where is this mate of yours? I would like to meet him before you leave." I chuckle

"That's the thing mother. My mates aren't men. They're females." She looks at me shocked.


"I'm gay."

"Did that conversion therapy do nothing?" She squeals, god her voice gives me a headache.

"No. Now I'm going to be leaving." I state trying to walk out the door. Just as I walk past the door frame I feel a hand grab my wrist roughly.

"You're not going anywhere bitch." I hear a deep intimidating voice say.... Father...


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