Chapter 2 (my asshole parents)

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"You're not going anywhere bitch." I hear a deep intimidating voice... father..,

" don't call her a bitch" alp- Natalie growled. I reach forward and grab her hand. She holds my hand and squeezes it slightly letting me know that she's ok.

"Listen. You're my mother and you're my father. I don't like you. And I'm not staying with you anymore. You stopped having a legal say in where I go when I turned 16. You have no right to keep me here and I don't want to be here anymore. I am going to go with my mates and your going to be quiet about it." I say trying to be confident. I'm probably going to break down crying in the car... that'll be fun.

"You're  right, legally we can't keep you here but everything you own is ours. So give me everything." I nod and slip the bag off of my shoulder but keeping the book in my hands. Mother grabs the bag and holds her arm out waiting for me to give her  the book.

"The book?" She sneerers.

"No. Gran gave it to me in her will which makes it mine." She shakes her head with a glare.

"That bitch shouldn't have given you anything. I was the one that was suppose to get all her things. But nooo, she gave them to a dyke like you." Natalie and alpha Rosalie both growl at this. I'm not really faded by it because that's how I grew up. Slurs being thrown at me left and right.

"Well, we will be leaving now. See you never." The three of us walk out with my parents yelling profanities at me.

Once we reach the car they drive here in, the girls pull me in and hold me as tight as possible. For wolves, their mates touch can help them calm down so by them holding me and touching each other in a way, it will calm their wolves down.

"Baby, you can cry now." Alpha Rosalie whispers into my ear then duck her head down to my neck. I start silently crying on both of their shoulders. They do nothing but rub my back and whisper sweet things in my ears. Natalie bends her head and kisses mine . That sends a shiver down my spine.

"Ohh, you like that?" I nod

"it makes me feel like....

"Like she's there for you? Like your safe because she's there? Like nobody else matters because that kiss means that she's yours?" I nod feeling shy. I duck and hide my face into Natalie's neck, breathing in her scent.

"Don't feel shy my light, even Rosalie has a spot like that. Hers is right behind her ear." Natalie whispers into my ear and I nod.

"You don't have one?" I whisper, she shakes her head.

"We haven't been able to find it yet." She says I nod.

I start kissing behind her ear, she moans but it's not the same. I keep kissing down her neck, chest, arms, nothing. Then I get it, her forehead. I reach my head up and start kissing up her face purposely missing her lips. Once I reach a part of her forehead she does the same thing I did, she shivers and I can feel her body relax.

"You're right, that feels nice." She smiles at me, I smile back.

I get off Natalie's lap and move onto a grinning alpha Rosalie's. I clim onto her lap keeping my head down, not meeting her eyes.

"May i alpha Rosalie?" I ask timidly. I feel a her fingers come underneath my chin and slightly pick my head up making me look at her.

"You never have to ask baby. And please call my Rosalie, or a nickname, just not alpha. We're all equals. No body needs to call anybody alpha. Okay?" She says softly. I nod and lean in towards her neck.

I start kissing there, her moans making a little tingly feeling come back... down there. I had the same when Natalie was moaning. I like but don't at the same time. I start kissing her chest, around her face but not her lips, then behind her ears causing her to shiver.

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