Chapter 3 (scared)

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Natalie's POV 

I hear my little mate start crying in the other room. Fuck. I want to go in there and comfort her, tell her everything's going to be alright but I don't think that's what she needs. I think she needs to just cry it out.

She eventually starts sobbing and my wolf goes crazy. She continues for a good 5-10 minutes and just as I'm about to get out of bed to go see her, everything falls silent. She must have fallen asleep.

Fuck. My wolfs going crazy. I can feel her scratching to get out and see her mate. We wolves can speak with our wolfs. It takes some energy which is why I try not to do it a lot but I can do it.

Rosalie and I don't say anything. We just lay down and try to get some sleep. Every time I close my eyes all I can hear is her sobbing. All I can see it that look of... betrayal? That showed up one her face when Rosalie said what she said. There's gotta be a story behind that but I don't think we're going to find that out for a while.

Ambers POV

I wake up but don't open my eyes. Suddenly all the memories come flooding back from what happened yesterday. Meeting my mates. Leaving my family. Leaving my friends. My mate calling me insecure. Not feeling comfortable around them. Crying myself to sleep.... Man that was a long day.

I get up and take a shower. I walk out only to realize, I don't have any clothes. I mean I have the dirty clothes but I wore those yesterday and last night. Maybe I can ask Natalie for some?

I wrap my towel around myself and hold it really tight. I really don't want this to fall. I walk down towards the large wooden double doors. I walk up to the doors and nock. I hear footsteps walking towards the door then the door swings open. On the other side of the door is Rosalie. The one person I didn't want to see right now.

"Hey baby." She says smiling.

"H-hey, I was hoping to speak with Natalie." She nods then nods her head for me to come in. I walk into the room and look around slightly.

"Natalie, baby, Amber's here to see you!" Rosalie shouts from behind me causing me to jump and hold onto the towel a little tighter. Natalie walks out of what I'm assuming is the closet with pants and a sports bra on.

"Hey my light. How did you sleep?" She smiles waking closer.

"I, uh, I slept pretty well thank you. I kinda need some clothes. I know it's a big ask but I just don't have any and the clothes I wore yesterday are dirty." She nods and continues to smile.

"Ok baby, I'll get you some clothes." She nods and goes back into the closet.

I feel Rosalie's eyes on me, I don't really think I'm ready to talk about why I acted the way I did last night. I mean I just met them, I don't really know them. How do I know they're not just using me?

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable last night my love." Rosalie says coming closer to me. She puts her hand on my shoulder causing me to tense.

"I'm not going to ask you why you tense when we touch you. Why you got so freaked out when I touched you side last night. Why you're holding that towel so tight or why you asked Natalie instead of asking me. But what I will ask you is, what's your favourite colour?"


"Black? Why black? It seems like such a depressing colour." Nat says walking out of the closet with a pile of clothes in her hands.

"It depends on how you look at the colour. Well shade. You can look at it like a depressing colour, or you can look at it the way I do. I see the colour black as mysterious, dark, never ending, like a blank canvas that you can do or make whatever you want." I say leaning on the bed post letting my light brown hair fall to my side.

"Well when you put it that way." Rosalie says causing all of us to laugh.

"Ok, go try these on. I don't know if they're going to fit. You seem skinnier but have bigger boobs than us so, let me know and I can try and find something else." I nod and grab the clothes. I walk into the bathroom in their room not wanting to walk in the hall with only a towel on. It's only us three here but still.

"How's a going baby?" I hear Rosalie ask from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Um... well the first 2 outfits didn't fit but I think this one might. Just give me a minute."

"Take your time my love." I nod even though she can't see me and continue get dressed.

" I nod even though she can't see me and continue get dressed

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So that's what we end up with. I took some of the things that did fit from the other outfits and mixed them together to make this. I mean I don't hate it. It's nicer than anything I have ever worn. Probably more expensive so when I go shopping I won't be able to get anything even half as nice as this so I guess I should enjoy this while I can.

I walk out the bathroom and see Natalie put on a shirt. That's good. They look at me and their jaws drop, at the same time. Creepy right?

"You look absolutely stunning. I don't think I've ever thought about wearing all those pieces together. I guess I will have to start after today." Nat says walking towards me. She stops in front of me and brings her hand up. She starts stoking my cheeks looking between my eyes and lips.

"I really don't want to-

"Then don't. Please don't. I, just, I haven't had the best experience in that department so I-

"You shouldn't have had any experience." Natalie growls really loudly. I suddenly don't feel safe anymore. Her angry stare is scaring me. I start shaking but don't have the courage to move. That always gets me in more trouble.

"Natalie, stop you're scaring her!" Rosalie yells scaring me more. I feel tears well in my eyes. It went from her wanting to kiss me to her growling and scaring me.

"What?!? Shit! No, no, no, no, don't cry, please baby I'm sorry. Don't cry. No,no." I bow my head and look to the floor.

"M-may i leave now alpha Natalie?"

"No! I mean well yes but my names n-not alpha Natalie to you. Go back to calling me Nat please." She begs and reaches out. Keeping my head bowed I nod and walk out the doors. I walk back to my room making sure to lock my door.

I slide down the door onto my butt trying to comprehend what just happened. I- I don't even know.


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