Chapter 4 (shopping)

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                       Rosalie POV

I don't know what to do. Natalie's crying, Ambers crying, do I go see Amber? Comfort her? I mean Natalie did scare her. But Natalie crying because she scared her. Even if I were to go and see Amber, I don't think she'd want to see or talk to me.

I really didn't mean to make Amber uncomfortable last night. I just kind of, said it without thinking. I wanted so bad to just, go in there and hold her last night. Tell her how sorry I was.

"I scared her. S-she called me alpha. She shouldn't call me that. It's Nat. That's what she should call me. Did you see that look in her eyes? She was finally starting to open up. She was going to tell us why. I screwed it up."

"No, no baby don't do that. You just scared her. We both seem to forget that she didn't grow up like us. We need to take it slow. One step at a time." Natalie nods and wipes her tears.

"Ok. Let's both go and talk with her?" I nod and we both walk towards her bedroom. Natalie nocks on the door and after a few minutes it opens.

                            Amber's POV

I hear a nock at the door and rush to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and realize that I look like a mess. I have big red puffy eyes. I have read streaks going down my cheeks and my lips are puffy. Fun.

I rush to get presentable. It takes a few minutes to get the puffiness to go away but it eventually does. Well a bit. You can still kind of tell I was crying.

I open the door expecting to see either Natalie or Rosalie but instead I see both. I wasn't expecting both. I open the door wider and signal with my head for them to some in.

"Baby why I'm going to turns the light on ok?" Rosalie asks going towards the light switch.

"No!!" They both look over at me shocked by my outburst.

"I mean don't. Please? I don't e-exactly look very nice right now so it's better to leave those closed." Natalie walks over and opens the blinds then walks back and stands in front of me. Rosalie goes and turns on the lights.

"Baby, you always look beautiful. No matter what, your always beautiful. I'm so sorry for scaring you before. I, I just lost control of my wolf. I'm so sorry."

"it's ok. I guess I've been a little more sensitive than usual recently. Speaking of... so I really didn't want to ask this of you but could I have $15? I'll pay it back I just-

"It's ok. Here. So, do you need us to take you anywhere?" Rosalie pulls out 15 dollars and hands it to me.

"Ummmm, well I know that you guys have a lot of stuff to do so if you could just point me in the direction of a store?" Natalie shakes her head and comes closer

"No it's alright we can take you. We have betas and gammas for a reason." I nod and shift foot to foot awkwardly.

"can we go now?" They nod and we all walk out the house.

We get in a car, the three of us in the back, me in the middle. I lay my head down on Natalie's shoulder and hold Rosalie's hand. Rosalie leans over and kisses me on the head.

After about 15 minutes we arrive at... the mall?

"Why are we at the mall?" I ask getting up slightly.

"We figured we might as well get you clothes while we're out. We can go to whatever store you needed to go to afterwards." I nod and we all get out. I start feeling anxious when I see all the people. Without realizing it I start clenching my hands together. I do that when I get anxious.

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