Chapter 7 ( fucking period)

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*2 weeks later*

"Sweat heart, you okay?" Rose asks through the door.

"J-just give me a minute." I call back.

I'm currently sitting on the toilet trying to put a pad and a tampon on. I need both because I have really heavy periods. Guess it comes with the cramps. Curse whatever god made women have periods. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad women are able to reproduce but for Christ sakes don't make it this painful.

After figuring myself out I get up off the toilet and wash my hands. I walk out the bathroom in only a really large t shirt I found in the girls closet and my underwear. My hairs up in a messy bun and I look like... well I look like shit if I'm being honest.

"There you are, are you feeling ok? You got up in quiet a rush." Nat asks getting up from sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Mghmmm." I groan flopping onto the bed.


"Mgmhm." I groan again

"You ok?"

"Mmmghf" I curl up into a ball and close my eyes.

"What's wrong with her?" I hear Nat ask

"I think she's... ahh, do you smell that?"

"N- yes. Aww baby did you start your period?" I groan again and feel the bed dip in either sides of me.

I feel myself being pulled towards someone and being flipped. My back against Natalie's chest. I know it's her chest because she had slightly bigger boobs than Rose.

"Where does it hurt baby?" Rose whispers holding my face between her hands.

"everywhere. Can you guys just hold me? It makes me feel a little better." They don't respond, they just pull me closer to both of them that way I'm sandwiched between them both. This feels nice.


We spent the last few hours just laying there sometimes talking but mostly in silence. My everything hurts. My stomach feels like it's getting stabbed and that knife is getting stomped on. It even hurts to breath.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Nat whispers into my ear slowly stroking my cheek with her thumb

"I want something light." I state closing my eyes and leaning my head onto the pillow as she continues to rub my cheek.

"Salad?" I shake my head no

"You know what I changed my mind let's just go back to bed." I say nodding and pulling her closer.

"Bambina, you need to eat." I shake my head and close my eyes. Sleep time.


"Ok my light but your eating when you get up deal?" I slightly nod and darkness consumes me. Sleep....


9 days later

My period finally ends today. I fucking gate periods. Today is also the day that the girls and I are going to go shopping to buy me my own stuff and no I don't just mean clothes. I need toiletries and some stuff like that, that I hate borrowing off of someone else.

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