ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪx: "you're a cute weirdo."

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The three women, Hope, Josie and avoni were scared, they didn't know what they would do now, their family was in danger and they didn't know how they would stop it? They didn't know what Ken took Delilah's blood for and what else he took, it was just a matter of time before everything blew up in their faces.

The auburn haired girl sighed. "We have to get them far  away, and safely." She pointed out to her wives.

Andrea and Marshall shook their heads. "I think we should all do this as a family! We do this together, as mikaelsons." Marshall spoke up.

The young brunette nodded. "For once I agree with Marshall, we are a family and we handle this like a family." Andrea spoke up.

Josie sighed, she then looked over at her wives and chewed on her bottom lip. "I can't go out into battle, I can't be out there guys, no matter if they are hidden, they could still be found. They could die and we wouldn't know because we aren't trying to save our family but we're trying to save the world, so I think we should go about this a different way."

"I agree with Josie, and that's why she's going to go stay in our family cabin out of town. The kids will stay with her and we are going to go and try and figure out what's going on, once we find out then we can talk about it later." Avoni arranged before looking over at delilah.


As the rest of the mikaelsons were packing and figuring out what they were going to do, Marshall had his own plans.

He was sitting in a booth, kind of nervous, he had been on many friendly dates with his friends but with amiri he felt like he was going to explode if he said the wrong thing to amiri.

Marshall tapped his foot up and down as he waited for amiri to walk into the grill. He heard the bell for the door jingle but when he looked up it wasn't amiri.

For a moment the mikaelson boy sat there, he thought maybe he got played, maybe he was an idiot for trying to make new friends.

But the boy was proven wrong when amiri walked into the grill. He looked around and he saw Marshall.

When blue eyes met with green, it was then earth was made, the tingles and sparkles filled joy in Marshall's stomach. He gulped before he looked down to break the contact.

Amiri walked up to the table and he waved at Marshall "hey, sorry I'm late, I got held up at try outs." Amiri says before he sat down.

Marshall looked up but not at amiri "you do sports?" Marshall asked

"Why? Is that hard to believe?" Amiri asked

Marshall shook his head "I don't know, you seem like a dork, a weird dork., It's very surprising." Marshall pointed out.

Amiri rolled his eyes "And you don't think you're a weirdo?" Amiri asked as he pulled up his sleeve.

"I know I'm a weirdo, but you need to own up to you being a dork, I mean you scream dork."

Amiri shook his head "I would never admit to something like that because it's not anything to admit." The tall boy assured. "Also being a weirdo isn't bad, especially when you're a cute weirdo."

Marshall grabbed his menu and hid his face in it to hide his smile, God he smiled a lot around this stranger.


Avoni and Hope went to new orleans to get a little help from a few mikaelsons while Josie decided to stay back with the kids.

Josie had went to the family cabin's kitchen while Andrea took Delilah upstairs to sleep. After tucking her little sister in, her brother put his stuff into the room he would be staying in, and he made his way into the room with his sisters.


Marshall ran into the bathroom and closed it shut. He took a deep breath and clenched his eyes shut.

Andrea knocked at the door. "Open up Marshall! I know you aren't using the bathroom."

"I am using the bathroom! Why don't you go away." Marshall scoffed

The older twin shook her head and placed her hand at the doorknob and siphoned from it and opened the door. "So much for using the bathroom." Andrea rolled her eyes.

Marshall glared. "You fucking pervert, I could have been naked!" He yelled

The girl crossed her arms and then sighed "But you're not and don't forget that we are twins, I could still feel your emotions, so when you lie it's quite hard to not know that you're lying."

"What do you want?" He asked as he walked out of the bathroom and past his older sister.

Andrea looked over to the door and then back at her brother. "Why did you take that crystal projector thingy from the school library. I know you took it so don't even lie about it." Andrea crossed her arms.

"Why are you all in my business? Why don't you go obsess over kajar or something." Marshall says as he placed the crystal on the bed.

Kajar. Kajar Vage, He was andrea's best friend, that was until he moved away, with his dad.

Andrea scoffed and glanced over at delilah. "I know why you have the projector." she changed the subject. It was a hard subject for her. "And I have something of his to help you, I also have the power with yours combined to make it real, and not just your consciousness." Andrea pointed out.

The mikaelson boy looked up at his sister. "Now, I'm listening."


As the twins were getting done with the whole spell thing, Josie still wasn't back, and Delilah was still sleep. "This is getting way to strong" Marshall says before ripping his hands off of the projector. "You used black magic" Marshall scoffed.

"It was the only way this could have worked-"

"And you just used some as well, baby cub." A voice echoed behind them.

Both twins turned around to see- "Michael." Andrea whispered.

"In the flesh" His voiced still glossed in his British accent.

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