ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ: the youngest mikaelson

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3 months later..

Sweat was dripping down from Josie's forehead as she was being rushed to the hospital room.

This was her 4th kid and she still didn't know how she could handle the pain after all those times.

Maybe because her other 3 kids weren't as hard to push out, or maybe since she hadn't had kids in so long, but either way she felt like she was on the verge of dying.

"I can't do this! Cut this damn baby out of me! Now!" Josie screamed as Avoni tried to hold onto her hand. "Get the hell off of me!" Josie says before she pushed Avoni's hand away. "I'm not carrying anymore kids, I don't give a fuck!" Josie yelled at avoni.

"We aren't having any more kids." Avoni whispered to the older brunette.

Josie scoffed "why I got to be the only one to carry the kids? Huh? You think you're too good to carry them?" She says before screaming in pain.

Avoni looked up at the nurse. "Can you please give her some damn drugs."

Josie shook her head "so now you want to turn me into a crack addict? What the hell do you take me as, a fucking druggie? I'm not your-" soon the nurse had put a shot into the brunette which caused her to calm down a bit. Josie looked up at avoni and cupped one of her hands onto Avoni's cheek. "Hey Avoni, I'm so sorry for how I was acting, you know that I love you." Josie giggled.

Avoni nodded "yeah, I love you too , jo, but we are trying to get my little princess number 3 to come out and the doctors need you to cooperate." Avoni assured before Hope walked into the room.

"How is she doing?" Hope asked before walking over to Josie with a hot towel and putting over her forehead. "Hey baby, are you doing okay?" The auburn haired girl asked the brunette.

Josie nodded like a little baby before looking at Avoni. "I'll kiss you to make you feel better, just come here." Josie reached her hands out to the younger brunette.

Avoni shook her head "no, I'm good." She says with a little worry laced in her voice.

Josie glared "get your ass over here and give me a hug! Right now!" Josie demanded before avoni rushed and give her a quick peck. "Did that make you feel any better?" Josie asked as she smiled.

Avoni nodded as she formed a nervous smile, she's never seen Josie like this before. "I want one!" Hope pouts playfully as Josie just pulls her down and peck her on the lips.

Hope smiled and then turned to avoni, she reached up on her tippy toes and pecked avoni on the lips. "She's drugged isn't she?" Hope asked in a whisper.

Avoni simply nodded as the nurses looked at them as if they were crazy. Josie saw this and she glared at them. "I don't know what the fuck you looking at but if you want to fight then we could, as soon as I get this little girl out of me, imma karate kick your ass!" Josie threatened before Hope sent an apologetic smile towards the nurses.

"I'll go get the doctors." The nurses ran out of the room.

Avoni pointed her finger at Josie. "Bad Josie! You can't be saying things like that!"

"I don't give a fuck, I'm on cloud nine."


"You're a freak, just like your mom, your grandfather and every other shithead that shouldn't be alive." Jamie ranted on

Marshall rolled his eyes. "Good thing my grandfather isn't alive, he would kick your ass if he was." Marshall assured before crossing his arms.

"Now you want your dead grandfather to take up for you? How pathetic can you get?" He started laughing along with his friends.

Marshall rolled his eyes "why don't you leave me the fuck alone, just go away and leave me alone."

"How does it feel to know that your mothers don't even love you, and no one else will?" Jamie snorted as the rest of his friends started laughing.

"My mothers do love me you piece of shit, why don't you take your ass back to where you belong because I belong here and this my fucking place! I own it." Marshall growled

Jamie laughed a bit. "Oh I'm sorry mr.king, I shouldn't mess with you in your kingdom." He says before he took a bow.

Marshall scoffed and started to walk off.

"I didn't say you could leave!" Jamie yelled as the Mikaelson boy continued to walk off.

Jamie grabbed Marshall's arm before the mikaelson boy screamed and the whole room started to shake, suddenly the frames started to fall and Jamie flew into the wall.

Marshall fell down but when he looked up his eyes was glowing gold.


"I see a head!" The doctors said as Josie started to push some more.

Avoni took out her phone to FaceTime Lizzie. "Flip the camera!" Lizzie yelled

"Okay." Avoni says before she flipped the camera and Lizzie screamed.

"Why the hell is there a vagina on my screen! It's fucking hairy! Flip the camera back the fuck around!" Lizzie screeched dramatically.

Avoni rolled her eyes before turning the camera towards her. "You said turn it to face you, what else did you expect?" Avoni questioned.

The blonde rolled her eyes "is my niece here yet?" She asked.

That's when they were blessed with the cries of the baby. The doctor looked at the baby as Avoni's face froze. "Correction, your nephew."

Josie and Hope looked at avoni. "The babies a boy?" Josie asked

Avoni smiled and nodded "yea, he's a beautiful, purple, baby boy."

"And he's nice and healthy, I'll get him all cleaned up and then you can hold your son." The doctors says as the nurses took the baby and started to clean the little guy off.

The drugs had wore off for Josie. "I have a name for him.." Josie spoke up. "I think we should name him Michael.. Michael for Avoni's uncle, Elijah for hopes uncle and then the family name, mikaelson."

"Michael Elijah mikaelson, I love it although the back to back Michael isn't hitting." Hope chuckled a bit before walking over to the nurses. "I don't know how this is scientifically proven for us to even have boys but I love it, and I love you both." Hope turned around to her wives as she sobbed.

"Aww you poor thing, you're probably like why is mom crying and she's not the one to give birth, well I'm just so happy to have you all." Hope says as the nurses handed him over to her. "God you're so cute."

"CAN I SEE THAT TROLL LOOKING ASS BABY!" Lizzie voice echoed from the phone.

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