Chapter eleven: "What are you not telling us?"

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Marshall tapped his fingers up and down as he sat right across from his sisters, he was growing impatient, and he really needed to know when Andrea was just going to come out and ask the stupid question already.

"So, are you going to tell us about Riley? Or are you going to sit there and act dumb? We don't have all day." Delilah says with her hands in her lap.

The quadbrid boy rolled his eyes, he couldn't believe that his sister had a smart mouth like that. "Me and Riley are taking things slow, there's nothing else to say on that topic." He admits as he looks down at his fingers.

Andrea let out a small chuckle "that's good, I'm so proud of you." Andrea stood up from her seat and she walked out of the room.

Marshall knew he messed up big time, but he didn't understand why his twin was so mad about it. So, what if he is dating her friend? She should be happy, that way she'll be around more. Or at least that's what he thought, he was a man, it wasn't like she had a crush on her or anything.


"What are we going to do about saving this family?" Avoni questioned as she started packing her bags.

Hope sighed as she held Michael, "I think we need to split up, it's the only way that we can be able to save them until we find more answers at least." Hope suggested as Avoni scoffed at her "I know it may sound like a bad idea, but the same thing happened with me and my family-"

"Yeah, and you all turned out just fine, with your aunts, and uncle never coming to visit you and your 2 dead parents and dead uncle." Avoni already clenched at her words. "Listen Hope, I'm sor-"

Hope shook her head "You're right, everything that you said is right, but you see that the majority of my family is still standing so it must be a way to9 do this with all our family still standing" Hope assured as she patted on Michael's back.

"Maybe we do need to split up, but what about the kids? I don't want them to grow up like me, with the absence of both of my parents."

The auburn-haired girl nodded "I don't want them to grow up without their parents either, and I'm sure that Josie feels the same way because her mother was barely around, majority of her life." Hope assured.

"It's settled then, we'll just have to find a way to make this all good for us." Avoni assured, "How are we going to deal with the kids?" The married Mikaelson asked.

–"That's such a good idea, let's have a whole meeting about our future without me, because my opinion definitely doesn't matter" Josie stood at the door with her arms crossed.

The two women exchanged looks before Michael started to fuse around a bit. "We were going to tell you about it-"

"After you already talked about it? That's not fair to me, you know?" Josie scoffed before walking over to hope and taking Michael. "If you guys are planning to actually go through with this plan thing then I should tell you that it would only work if Marshall, and Andrea stay together." Josie assured.

"They store the most magic out of all the kids." Avoni chimed in with a confused look. "That's the worst idea."

"No, they aren't as powerful without all 4 of them in the same room, it's almost like a witch link, I'm sure this is what grandma Mimi was talking about." Hope spoke up as her hands rested on her hip. "I agree with Andrea and Marshall staying with each other but what about Michael and Delilah?"

The tall brunette sighed "I'll take Michael with me to stay in New York. Just until things get settled, I think Hope should stay in New Orleans with Delilah, that way she can do more research down there and Delilah can learn some stuff from Aunt Freya. Marshall and Andrea will stay here with Avoni, they'll have help from auntie Lizzie, Cleo and even that Riley girl, plus I'm sure Andrea would love to stay here with riley." Josie ended off with a small smile.

"What are you not telling us?" Avoni questioned as she could sense her overprotective side breaking through.

The older brunette shrugged "You guys don't want to let me in on things then I guess 3 can play that game." Josie says before walking out of the room.

"I thought Marshall and riley were dating, last time I checked." Avoni spoke up.

The tribrid chuckled a bit, "No, two siblings falling for the same girl? That's almost like-"

"Me and Penelope." Avoni finished off as both girls' eyes widened.

–"Oh no." they said at the same time before running off and towards the kid's room. When they got there, Marshall and Delilah were already sleeping, but Andrea wasn't there.


Hope could hear the sound of sniffles before she vamped towards the noise.

When she got there, she found her blue eyed daughter sitting on the floor in the dark room, crying. "Andrea?" Hope called out as the brunette quickly wiped her eyes away. "Andrea, what's wrong?" she asked

The quadbrid shook her head, "Nothing is wrong, mom. I'm fine, you can go to bed." Andrea lied as she rested her chin on her knee.

The auburn haired girl sat down next to her daughter. "Do you just want to sit in silence? We don't even have to talk about anything, just as long as you know that I'm here and I won't let you push me away, the same way I tried to push your moms away." Hope assured as she nudged over at her daughter.

Andrea sniffled, "Mom.. do you think I'm enough?"

Hope let out a soft chuckle "What kind of stupid question is that? Of course, you're enough! You're Andrea freaking Mikaelson, girl you better put some respect on your name." Andrea giggled before she scrunched her nose. "Too cringey?" Hope questioned.

The younger blue-eyed girl nodded "very much so, but thank you, mom." Andrea smiled as she held on tight to her legs.

"If this is about Riley.. You should know that you're amazing and she would be blind not to see it." Hope assured as she saw Andrea's face drop, "or if it's about anyone else–want some hot chocolate?" Hope tried to change the subject.

"Momma told you, didn't she?"

Hope shook her head. "No, your mama and I found it all out by ourselves." the auburn haired girl admits, "Listen this isn't none of my business. What you want to do, you do it, okay?" Andrea nodded "and if you need a health day, you are more than welcomed to skip out on school"

Andrea smiled "thank you, mom."

Hope nodded "of course, and I love you."


"I promise."

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