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Naruto looked over at the door that slowly opened. No one had come to visit him since he returned from that suicide mission. He was hopeful for someone to care about him. Surprisingly it was Neji who was pulling an IV drip behind him. The Hyuga seemed surprised he was awake but schooled his features. He came closer and took a seat beside Naruto in a nearby chair. "I was told you barely made it," Neji started off softly as Naruto watched him under keen blue eyes. 

"Sadly I don't know how you're holding up. No one's informed me of anything since I woke up," Naruto's voice was detached. A sign of acceptance was hidden there as well as he sat up in his bed to look over at Neji. "But I'm glad you're okay, and that we completed the mission." 

Neji nodded and the two sat in silence as there was no need to say anymore. The time between passed easily, enjoying the slient company until it was time for Neji to refill his drip bag. He got up but Naruto snatched his hand. The Hyuga looked over at his new friend whose expression gave nothing away to his next words. "I want us to be friends from now on." 

Neji couldn't help the smile that crossed his face. "I train a lot I don't have time for social hours." 

"Then I'll train with you, I don't care what we do." 

Neji noted Naruto's persistence and nodded. After all, it was the first that someone wanted to attach themselves to the Hyuga, and he wouldn't turn it away because he craved a friend as well. Naruto had spoken to him and showed him life and the world through his lens and he wanted to keep it that way. He liked Naruto's world, it was realistic, raw, and unfiltered. His world was once filled with 'woe is me' and he despised himself at that point. He could change he could grow but he had grown complacent. Naruto was the push to let him wake up to reality and change his own fate if he didn't want to be known as the genius forced to be a servant to his weakling cousin.

"Thank you Naruto, I'll be back when I change my bag." 

Naruto believed him.


Kakashi sighed as he looked over at his team which was missing a member. It had been this way for the last few weeks. Naruto had been avoiding meeting up since he got released from the hospital. He understood there was still some tension but Sasuke was already under punishment for his runaway attempt.

He decided to dismiss them for the day and narrowed in on Naruto's chakra signature and it seemed he was sparring with someone. He teleported to the location to see he was sparring with Neji. He observed the movements and realized Neji was teaching Naruto the Hyuga Clan Style of Taijutsu.

They were in sync with each other. Matching move for a move like some twisted dance. They fell apart gracefully and met in the middle for a talk. "Since you don't have the Hyuga eyes you'll have to aim for bodily pressure points instead of chakra points. It should be easier to immobilize them."

"Would you be the partner? I don't want to put you through that," Naruto looked upset at the thought.

'Since when did they become friends? They were at each other's throats in the Chunin Exams and hardly cordial when it came to the Sasuke Retrieval mission.'

Neji smiled at the blonde before getting back into a fighting stance. "Come at me, I can handle it."

Naruto smiled at his enthusiasm and attacked full force. A very familiar style of kick landed down on Neji's forearms. Kakashi's eyes widened as he realized it was Lee's signature move.

"You won't get me with training from Lee," Neji taunted.

"I know, give me a minute," Naruto was in midair as he twirled his body to grab Neji's shoulder and inflicted a pressure point that had him collapsing in a second as half of his body became unresponsive.

Naruto had a smug grin as he got Neji in an upright position and started brushing the grass from his face and hair. "Sorry, sorry."

"It's alright, you got it from your first try. Very impressive," Neji gave him a wide smile as Naruto healed the spot so he could move again. "We can take a break now."

Naruto looked reluctant but Neji's eyes drifted over to the space where Kakashi was hidden and Naruto got the hint. "I'll take care of it. Just unpack our lunch."

Naruto was immediately beside Kakashi and the Jounin took a step back. Has Naruto become this fast? "What is it Hatake?"

Somehow hearing him call him by his last name was so jarring. The blonde before him wore a mature expression. His expression was blank, not giving him a hint as to what was going on in his head. He forged on ahead anyway. "Well since becoming Chunin you've stopped coming to team meetings."

"Because I have nothing else to learn from people lower than me," Naruto's response had Kakashi stunned for a moment.

"Naruto that's no way to speak about Team members," He lightly scolded but it made Naruto scowl. An expression Kakashi had never seen before from him.

"I was never seen as a teammate by them so I will not view them as teammates either," Naruto gave him a disgusted look as he raked Kakashi's form.

"Besides you always had your favorite in Sasuke. No wonder you pleaded in his favor. You taught him the very jutsu that killed me. If I didn't carry the Nine Tails I would've been dead permanently."

"Naruto, please understand-"

"No!" Naruto yelled. "I don't have to understand anything. I've been selfless since the day I was born. It's my turn to be selfish for once. I'm going to do what I want and what I want most right now is for you to fuck off with your teaching bullshit."

He got back over to Neji who was waiting for him. The Hyuga smiled as Naruto sat beside him and the blonde reciprocated the action as they started to dig into lunch. Kakashi narrowed his eyes as the words of his dead sensei's son washed over him. He would need to talk to the Hokage about this.

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