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Neji woke up that morning and stared at the ceiling for a long time, he didn't have to wake at the crack of dawn anymore, and he didn't have to chop wood for fire or help prepare breakfast. He didn't have to run out late for team meetings because he was held up walking behind a lazy princess. He was free, he looked over at Naruto who was resting with a peaceful expression. He was snoring quietly, his nose twitching ever so slightly. Neji stretched out his hand and caressed his cheeks. The whiskers were certainly real, they were rough and he blushed a bit as Naruto leaned into his palm. 

His heart felt warm, he listened as the thumping got louder and louder, his face burning up from the sight of the boy in front of him. He quickly got up from the bed, careful to not wake Naruto up before stumbling into the bathroom and washing his face, brushing his teeth before heading into the kitchen to get started on breakfast. There was a feeling in the back of his mind that something was bound to happen that day but he couldn't place his finger on it. 

As he continued cooking breakfast he heard Naruto waking up in their room and stumbling around. He smiled a bit when the blonde cursed for hitting his knee against a harsh surface. But soon enough he came out to the main room and sat by the table. Neji could feel his eyes on him, those eyes showed a lot about a person when first meeting Naruto. Depending on who you are, you'll have a different impression. When he first met those eyes they were full of displeasure for hurting Hinata who is perceived as a weak princess whose trying her hardest to improve. But the next time they met in live combat they were blazing with rage for his former ideology. Then indifference when they shared a mission and now finally tenderness. 

Neji plated up the fish and rice with miso soup and eggs before turning around to see Naruto's eyes locked on his figure. He blushed as he walked over with the tray and placed it on the table. "Come on you must be hungry now," Neji coaxed the blonde who was resting on his arm, his eyes watching his facial expressions. 

"I like your hair," The compliment fell from his lips and Neji's ears turned pink. Naruto smiled at that. 

"You like my hair? Neji unconsciously reached up and started pulling on it. Playing with it like an academy girl. Naruto was reminded of the rumor during his school days of Sasuke liking girls with long hair. Truth be told it was Naruto who started the rumor as a joke to see which girls would actually dedicate their efforts to keeping long hair. But he did have a thing for long hair, especially long taken care of hair, that bore a chestnut color, sort've like Neji's hair. 

"I've always liked your hair, ever since I first laid eyes on you," Naruto had no trouble admitting this but Neji thought he was so shameless to admit this with that cunning smile. 

"You're just teasing me," Neji protested weakly. 

Naruto chuckled. "Believe what you will but I like boys with long hair." 


"I stripped him of the Hyuga name, from now on he's nothing but an orphan like that demon brat," Hiashi declared and Neji got the letter handed to him personally by a Hyuga Anbu.

Reading the words made him numb. He didn't feel any pain or anger. He felt relieved. He took a deep breath before letting it out slowly as Naruto read the letter. The blonde walked over to the stove and burned it. Neji tilted his head in confusion as the blonde examined his fingers before pulling on his shoes and heading out the door without a word.

Neji was confused but he figured Naruto had some scheme plotting. He decided to clean their apartment deeply to distract the fact that he was now only Neji. Not Neji Hyuga, only Neji.

Naruto made his way to the Hokage tower to meet his godmother who looked ready for him to lash out. He wasn't here for that. No, he was going to do something different. "Seems you got the letter. I just want you to know that this is out of my hands. A clan can do whatever they want with their members regarding adding rank and banishing them."

"I'm not stupid," Naruto seemed insulted. "I could care less about what the Hyuga clan did. Is there a way to give Neji my name?"

Tsunade looked taken aback by the seriousness of the blonde. "Excuse me?"

"Marriage works right? Take on the husband's name?" Naruto was on a roll now as he walked forward. "Can I have marriage documents?"

"Hold on, you're going a bit too fast," She tried to slow him down but Naruto was furious! He swiped her desk clean in a fit of anger. She jumped back a bit.

"Can you please keep up?!" He yelled at her. "Neji just lost his fundamental identity I don't have time to tug you along like a toddler."

Her mouth locked with an audible click. He sighed. "I'm sorry," Naruto clenched his fists. "This is all my fault for pulling him along in this shitty situation. I just want to make it all better."

"First of all this isn't your fault," She started. "Second, you can have them. But you can't force him to sign them."

"I would never do that to him," Naruto's eyes blazed at the implication.

He got the full set of documents and the legal stamp before sealing them in his arm. He headed out in a disguise to go ring shopping. Despite living frugally he did have an inheritance from his parents.

When he got a proper look at Neji's hand this morning, he checked his size for a ring. He picked out two thin silver bands. They would work for now. He headed back to see Neji spreading the bed with fresh white sheets. He had showered from his loose brown hair and wearing blue shorts and a black shirt.

He looked over at the blonde who wore a pensive expression. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm sorry," Naruto started softly as Neji sat on the bed.

It took a moment for Neji to realize what he was talking about. He shook his head, however. "It was my choice to remain with you."

"And you lost your name."

While Neji wanted to give the impression he was fine, he was anything but fine. He was devastated, he was proud of his Hyuga bloodline and to have it stripped meant he was nothing more than an orphan, a boy without any roots. But he could endure this, it was worth it for whatever it was between him and Naruto.

"And it is worth it to be here with you."

"We don't even have a label on what this is," Naruto pushed back but Neji wasn't going down that easily.

"Then let's make one!"

Naruto smiled. "Okay."

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