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"This brings back so many memories," Akuma looked at his blood palm print from the year he was born. The scroll hadn't aged a bit. Todoro was beside him, quietly admiring his signature as the ladies hovered around with mournful expressions. Primrose clutched her kimono with a deeply pensive expression. While no one said it they all knew the thoughts running through everyone.

The ninja world did this to them. Ruined their culture, their history scattered their generations and now they were looking at the remnants. Nabari turned away, though she might be a spirit now she still could cry. Naruto looked through the signatures and eventually found his mother's. He pondered momentarily before cutting himself and signing his name in the next empty slot. If he had doubts before they were erased now. He would revive his clan. 

'Ironic isn't it?' He thought with a small chuckle. 'We're two sides of the same coin aren't we Sasuke? Though I am different from you. I can't drown in the constant pity party of a village that coddles and builds your fragile ego. I was meant to be scorned, used, and discarded. I can change my fate, become that monster they so scorned, and bring my people back together.' 

He turned his gaze to Neji who was preening under Primrose's fan and halted a bit in his tracks. While Naruto was slowly accepting to leave his birth village he never got Neji's input. They would have to talk seriously later. It won't be sudden, far from sudden but it would be done. How could he become a leader of a village that didn't even tolerate him? Taking a detour to the ruined island was the best decision he ever made in his journey. He rolled up the scroll and they headed back to the area they made into their campsite. 

Later that night when the spirits went off to roam the land Neji and Naruto began getting ready for bed. While brushing his hair in the mirror Neji looked at Naruto in the reflection who was reading a scroll. "I know you want to talk, just let me know when you're ready." 

Naruto smiled and rolled back up his reading material. "You never cease to amaze me but I don't know how you will take this news." 

Neji rolled his eyes slightly. "Spit it out handsome." 

"I want to leave the Leaf behind," Naruto didn't beat the bush, he burned it from the way Neji jumped at the information. "My dreams are to become a village leader and here we are, with a scattered village but a village that can be brought back together under my guidance. I don't plan to pull away from the Leaf like a cold turkey but I do intend to gradually pull away. I want to know your stance on this, you can say no." 

Neji closed his eyes and hummed before opening his eyes. "Our friends," Neji looked away and Naruto smiled. 

"We'll keep healthy contact, you don't have to worry about that," Naruto assured. 

"Let me think about it. Please?" Neji clenched his brush, his knuckles white. 

"Of course baby." 

Naruto woke up earlier than usual the next morning and headed to the hot springs to meditate on the current events and make plans to get host bodies for his ancestors who were wandering around aimlessly until he and Neji were ready for the day. The blonde had to admit that he had spent a lot of time here instead of improving on the training given to him by Jiraiya. But even he could feel his Uzumaki blood flowing much more freely the longer he stayed. It was like a slow awakening and partnered with the tutelage of the ancestors he was on the brink of a breakthrough to bring him a new power. 

He remodified the seal on him with Kurama and now a healthy flow of chakra was being mixed between them. This mix of chakra was a sin as it was seen as a curse to mix with a Tailed Beast, something that resulted in a mindless human in an animalistic rage but Naruto was determined to be different. He would be a fool not to explore the depths that a Jailer and his Beast could go to. 

He sunk deeper into the hot water, his body becoming loose and limber. 

"Do you think he will accept this?" Kurama murmured as he roamed freely in the mindscape. 

Naruto hummed. "Maybe," He slowly sat up as his body got carved with the kitsune's runes before fading away. "I need to reach a certain place in training before I approach him with this. I don't want to be unstable with your power balancing with mine." 


Neji took a deep breath as he activated his eyes. He was fine, he was normal and he could now go back to training just as he had before. He quickly went through his morning attacks, the sweat beading on his empty forehead as he bent his body into different positions as reached out to his widest range. He held his lowest stance, his left leg stretched out to the farthest point. His body was poised in a fighting stance and he held it, closing his eyes and absorbing the sounds of nature around him. 

It was therapeutic. 

He thought about Naruto's desires, it was abrupt but he could see the sense the blonde made. Changing the people's perspective was difficult, some don't even want to acknowledge they may be wrong because the tragedy has forever changed history and the people involved. Naruto was the center focus of that event, whether he wanted it or not. He became a remnant of that historical event and having him walking around was a way to keep that night in your mind for all of eternity as the sign of the mass genocide of October 10th. 

People couldn't move on if he was always there, just in their rearview and Naruto was willing to go now. He certainly didn't appreciate being treated like shit for something he couldn't have controlled. He was a newborn, hours old. Neji let out a slow heavy breath before stretching his right leg, holding that new position as he racked his brain. Coupled with the old figureheads watching over the village politics from the shadows and it would be near impossible for Naruto to be appointed Hokage even if he deserved it by becoming the strongest and most moral among their generation. Lady Tsunade couldn't even do it on her own, she would possibly be overthrown. 

It was a difficult pill to swallow for Neji but Naruto was always one step ahead. Swallowing all the bitter pills without much complaint and moving on. He didn't even need water to allow the pill to go down smoothly, he swallowed and let the bitterness of that pill burn in the back of his throat as a reminder. A reminder that an entire village except a few handful despise him because of his Tailed Beast and would never accept him and his story to tell. 

Neji made up his mind. Besides his friends and Naruto, he had no ties to this world. He was sure his uncle would try to pull a stunt as a way to keep him in the village but he knew Naruto could handle it. He didn't even need to lift a finger. He opened his eyes to see his husband walking back towards him and he felt hopeful as he ran over to him and jumped him. Naruto took his weight and held him tightly in his arms. 

They would be alright. 

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