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The closet in their home had always been a mysterious place. It was a vast expanse of shelves and hangers, housing years of accumulated clothing, equipment, and mementos from their adventures. Neji hadn't ventured into it in quite some time, preferring to let Naruto and Gaara handle their own wardrobe choices. But this mission was different; it was crucial to make a good impression, and they needed the best attire for the occasion.

Neji stood before the imposing closet, determined to tackle the challenge. He took a deep breath and began to sift through the chaos. At first, he tried to be methodical, pulling out boxes and bins labeled with vague descriptions like "Ninja Gear" or "Special Occasions." However, as he opened the boxes, he quickly realized that the labels were more misleading than helpful. It seemed that Naruto and Gaara had a knack for haphazardly stashing items in the wrong containers.

He sighed, realizing that he'd have to take a different approach. Neji decided to sort items into three piles: "Keep," "Donate," and "Mystery." The "Keep" pile contained items in good condition and still held sentimental value. The "Donate" pile consisted of items they hadn't used in years and could be of use to another ninja. And the "Mystery" pile was reserved for items whose purpose eluded him entirely.

Hours passed, and Neji found himself knee-deep in a sea of ninja gear, costumes, and assorted knickknacks. He discovered things he hadn't seen in years, including some of Naruto's more eccentric outfits and Gaara's collection of decorative gourds. Despite the chaos, Neji persevered, determined to find the perfect attire for the mission.

After what felt like an eternity, Neji finally unearthed two sets of professional ninja attire that met their criteria. He carefully hung them up and admired his handiwork. One was a sleek, black ensemble with subtle red accents, perfect for Naruto's energetic and charismatic nature. The other was a more understated, earth-toned outfit, ideal for Gaara's composed and enigmatic persona.

With Naruto's and Gaara's attire sorted, Neji couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his accomplishment. Yet, as he admired the neatly hung ninja outfits, he realized that he, too, needed appropriate attire for the mission to Konoha. After all, he was Naruto's husband and the husband of the Uzukage of Whirlpools. He needed to represent their union and his status with the utmost elegance.

He decided to venture further into the closet, knowing that he had to find a kimono that would convey his standing. Neji spotted a unique wooden chest tucked away in the corner among the piles of ninja gear and costumes. Curiosity piqued, he carefully opened it, revealing a collection of traditional kimonos in various colors and patterns. Neji smiled, realizing that Naruto had kept these kimonos from the opening ceremony when Uzushio went public to the world.

After a moment of contemplation, Neji chose a deep blue kimono adorned with intricate silver and gold embroidery. It was a striking piece, one that he knew would complement Naruto's vibrant personality and represent their bond beautifully. As he unfolded the garment and held it up to the light, he marveled at its craftsmanship. The fabric was smooth and luxurious, and the intricate design seemed to shimmer in the sunlight.

Neji carefully laid the kimono out on the bed, its rich colors and patterns stretching out elegantly. He knew he would need assistance getting into it, as traditional kimonos could be pretty complex to put on correctly. No worries he had Naruto to help him. He hung the kimono next to the other chosen pieces and spent the rest of the day cleaning up the closet. 


Naruto sat down to compose the formal letter to Konoha, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. It had been some time since he had returned to his birthplace, and even longer since he had seen many of his former comrades. The thought of revealing his true identity as the Uzukage and Neji's role as his advisor weighed heavily on his mind.

Beside him, Gaara diligently worked on his paperwork. The quiet ambiance of their office was broken by the occasional rustle of papers or the scratch of a quill on parchment. Naruto glanced over at Gaara, who was lost in thought. He knew that Gaara had sacrificed much to be by his side, leaving his position as the Kazekage and his siblings in Suna. Naruto decided to break the silence.

"Hey, Gaara," Naruto began, his voice soft and contemplative. "Do you ever regret leaving Suna and your siblings to stay with me?"

Gaara paused for a moment, his emerald eyes meeting Naruto's azure ones. He wore a small, genuine smile, a rare sight in the past. "No, Naruto," he replied, his voice steady and sure. "I regret nothing. Walking this path with you, becoming your Shadow Uzukage, it's been one of the best decisions of my life. You're my true brother, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Naruto felt a surge of warmth in his heart. Gaara's loyalty and unwavering support meant the world to him. He reached out and placed a hand on Gaara's shoulder. "Thanks, Gaara. I'm lucky to have you by my side. You and Neji both."

Gaara's smile widened, and he nodded in acknowledgment. Naruto turned his attention back to the letter, his heart lighter and filled with determination. He knew that it was time for Konoha to learn about the changes in his life and the roles Neji and Gaara played. With renewed focus, he put quill to parchment and began to compose the letter.

He left out any of their names all he wrote is that he, the Uzukage will be visiting 5 days from now to discuss the matter of their missing citizens in person as their status is currently a high-profile secret. That would put them on high alert but also confirm that they were within Uzushio's walls. He chuckled darkly which had Gaara giving him a knowing smirk. 

With the letter completed, Naruto sealed it with the Uzukage's official seal and handed it to a messenger hawk, which would deliver the message to Konoha. The die was cast, and their journey back to Naruto's hometown was imminent. Whatever lay ahead, Naruto knew that he had the support and love of his family, they would face whatever challenges awaited them in Konoha.

"You know I always wondered why your siblings never reached out as Konoha did," Naruto turned to Gaara. "I mean Temari took over being Kazekage right?" 

"They never cared for me," Gaara sighed. "When I apologized things were finally at ease between the three of us. But the dismissal started when I wanted to divulge the details of my father's cruel actions. They were father's favorites so of course they wouldn't take any slander. They didn't want me to be Kazekage but the council did so they had to keep quiet. Never wanted the position and you saved me from it, you've stayed by my side when I've broken down. You've listened to me rant about the assassinations and just for that, I don't mind throwing myself on the knife for you Naruto. You are my only sibling in this world." 

Naruto smiled. "I would do the same for you Gaara, I care for you and I'm sorry you had to endure them." 

"I would do it all again just to meet you along the way," He admitted shamelessly. Naruto grinned. 

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