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The day of departure had arrived, and Naruto and Neji stood at the main entrance of Uzushio, their bags packed and ready. A gentle sea breeze ruffled their clothing as they exchanged a few final words while waiting for Gaara.

Naruto chuckled softly, his azure eyes filled with amusement as Gaara arrived with his usual dramatic flair, emerging from a swirl of sand. It was a reminder of how much Gaara had changed over the years, from the Kazekage of the Sand who was feared and isolated, to the trusted and respected Shadow Uzukage of Whirlpools.

"Still making quite an entrance, eh, Gaara?" Naruto teased, a playful grin on his face.

Gaara's expression remained stoic, but there was a glint of humor in his emerald eyes. "Some habits die hard," he replied cryptically.

With their trio assembled, they made their way to the boat that would take them to the mainland. The journey to Konoha was long, and they didn't want to waste any time. Naruto had donned his Kage robes, and a mask covered the lower half of his face. It was a necessary precaution to keep his identity hidden until they reached their destination. He knew that once they set foot in Konoha, there would be many eyes on him, and he couldn't afford any distractions.

Neji, too, was dressed for the occasion, wearing a traditional robe that bore the Uzumaki clan symbol, proudly displaying his connection to Naruto and their marriage. He adjusted his attire with a sense of determination, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in Konoha.

As the boat set sail, Naruto couldn't help but glance out over the vast ocean. Uzushio was a place of warmth and acceptance, where he had found love and formed deep bonds. Leaving it behind, even temporarily, stirred a mix of emotions within him. But he was also eager to return to his roots and confront the past that still lingered in the village hidden in the leaves.

The lush forest surrounding them was familiar, a testament to the years they had spent as shinobi traversing these lands. But now, their journey was different. It was a journey back to the heart of the shinobi world, to a place filled with memories, both bitter and sweet.

Naruto took charge immediately, his experience as a leader evident in the way he issued orders to the Uzushio shinobi who had accompanied them. "Stay vigilant," he instructed them firmly, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Keep a watchful eye on our surroundings, and send updates through your summons if anything seems amiss. We don't want any surprises."

The Uzushio shinobi nodded in understanding, their loyalty to Naruto unwavering. They spread out into the forest, taking up strategic positions to ensure the safety of their leaders.

With their security measures in place, Naruto, Neji, and Gaara wasted no time. They took off through the trees at a rapid pace, their movements graceful and efficient. The wind whistled through the leaves as they leaped from branch to branch, covering vast distances with each stride. They were a formidable trio, each a master of their respective abilities.

As the sun began its descent toward the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow through the forest, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. They needed to reach Konoha by nightfall, and every passing minute brought them closer to their destination.

Their journey was a silent one, the occasional rustle of leaves and the rhythmic thud of their footsteps the only sounds in the forest. Each member of the party was lost in their thoughts, contemplating the challenges that lay ahead and the significance of their return to Konoha.

Neji glanced at Naruto, his Byakugan activated, scanning their surroundings for any potential threats. "Naruto, are you prepared for what's to come?" he asked quietly.

Naruto's gaze remained focused ahead as he responded, his voice determined. "I am, Neji. It's time to face our past and secure our future. With you and Gaara by my side, I know we can handle anything."

Gaara, who had been listening in silence, offered a reassuring nod. "We've come a long way, Naruto. We'll navigate this path together, just as we always have."

Naruto smirked as they stumbled into a familiar terrain. "We're so close," He twisted his head to Neji. "Do you want to hide your identity?" 

Neji scoffed at the notion. "I am not ashamed of standing next to you." 

Naruto chuckled. "I'm so touched, for that alone I'll increase our wedding fund." 

Gaara rolled his eyes but soon focused as he saw fragments of Konoha peeking through the leaves. "It seems we're here." 

Naruto stopped and Gaara and Neji halted as well. "When it comes to talking just follow my lead from how I'm phrasing my answers," It was said to Neji who nodded and Naruto turned to Gaara. "I've already given you the map and you've bonded with my blood. Once you've looted the home just approach the gates and act like you've been summoned by me." 

"Couldn't you do a reverse summon when I send the signal?" Gaara countered. 

"Oh yes," Naruto clapped his hands. "I forgot about those seals." 

"Compared to your inked body we only have this seal on us," Neji snarked, Naruto scowled at him playfully. 

"Alright, now that we've settled that let's create havoc," Naruto smiled. 

"Politically," Neji added as he wrapped his arms around Naruto's bicep as Gaara dispersed into sand. 

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