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Their passports were stamped by Tsunade who then hugged Neji in thanks for being by Naruto's side before they were sent off to begin their journey. Jiraiya would be gone for the first year, they would meet back up at the border to the Land of Snow by the Haichi Hotel. Naruto and Neji would be on their own and it was rather peaceful to be in the wild with his husband. Naruto wanted to get rid of the curse seal almost immediately so for the past two weeks they were covering the ground by heading to the Hidden Mist. They took a shortcut to spend time in the Land of Waves, visiting Inari and his family and showing Neji the bridge named after the blonde. 

On the said bridge, Naruto made one of his promises. "I do have a dream of becoming Hokage. I know that the Hyuga clan will be a block to that dream down the line. I've come to accept that since I married you. I'm telling you this now because I don't want you to have any ideas about leaving me to get to this dream. I am prepared to go to lengths to have my dream but not to the extent that you will be collateral damage." 

Neji cupped Naruto's cheeks and for a while they stood in silence, staring at each other. He sighed and gave his response. "You are my husband and as your wife I want you to reach your dream. I am prepared to stand by your side to get you that dream in any way possible." 

"You're too sweet," Naruto kissed his forehead. "If I become Hokage just know that you're still my number 1, I will burn that village to the ground for you." 

"Don't say such things," Neji smacked the blonde in the chest who laughed but Naruto wasn't joking. He would be damned if the first human who adored him suffered the slightest. 

"I'm sorry baby, I'm just a boy who's in love. I was always under the impression that you treat a Queen as a Queen. A Queen doesn't suffer from peasants," Naruto shrugged as he took his hand and led them onto their continuing journey. On the way again they were but while they headed to the Mist Naruto told Neji of his background of being an Uzumaki. 

"We're visiting my homeland," Naruto stoked the flames as they looked out on the shoreline. "The ruins are said to be laced with knowledge. I want to become stronger and the best way to start is to learn the techniques that made my clan so powerful. I know some Uzumaki are still out there but the odds of finding them are slim, especially ones that were there for the downfall. This is the best way to learn." 

"Do you know why your clan fell into decline?" Neji was roasting meat when he asked the blonde who stared at the dark waves. 

"All the other nations except the Leaf banded together to wipe us out, we were too powerful in their eyes to continue living," Naruto sighed, the coldness showing as his breath turned to vapor. 

"Do you wish to revive your clan?" 

"Like Sasuke?" Naruto chuckled. "Heavens no, while that may be the righteous path there is nothing there for me to revive. I was never alive in that era, I have no ties to the tragedy so how can I say I will bring back the culture of a place I've never experienced? It's an insult, it would be a mere imitation of their glory days. Sometimes it's best for times, places, and people to rest when their time has come instead of embarrassing their sacrifice by trying to reanimate it. The best thing I can do is pay homage to my clan by carrying on their techniques so they never fade." 

Neji leaned on his shoulder. "And then people call you an idiot," He sighed. Naruto didn't comment as Neji continued looking up at his side profile. "You're an enigma Naruto." 

"Do you think so? I'm not mysterious, in fact, I believe you can read me well to some extent." 

"Sometimes but I still get caught off guard by your wisdom," Neji tilted his head. "You're subtle in your ways." 

Naruto chuckled and kissed his forehead. "You read too much into these things." 

"No, I think I have you pegged." 

They shared the meat together under the fire before going to bed for the night. The next morning Naruto walked along the docks and bought them a boat to get across, many were only heading to the Mist, unwilling to stop on the shores of the Land of Whirlpool. So Naruto bought them a boat, the blonde was quick on his feet as he observed the map at the dock, checking the compass and watching the tides. They set off around midday after stocking up on food. Clones of the blonde manned the deck leaving the couple to lounge the deck, Neji in particular seemed keen on leaning over the edge to gaze into the waters. Naruto however was placing protection seals around different parts of the boat the enhance its durability. 

The waves surrounding the Land of Whirlpool are vicious towards ordinary crafts. So Naruto took heed when he discovered this information and began carving his seal into the wood, using Kurama's karmic chakra to bleed into every piece of wood. He would be damned if they died out at sea. He fished a bar of chocolate from their supplies and went back to the dock to see Neji lying carelessly as he admired the view. 

"You seem rather free," Naruto commented as he sat next to his relaxed body. 

"It's our vacation, I like the view," Neji turned to Naruto who fed him a piece of the sweet treat. 

"You do?" Naruto ruffled his hair, and Neji purred while coming closer, climbing into the blonde's lap. "If I didn't know any better I would think you're a kitten." 

"Are you enjoying the view?" Neji asked. 

"Of course I am, I'm making lifetime memories with my wife, what else could make me happy?" 

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