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Neji loaded the last things on the boat as Naruto bid farewell to his ancestors for now until he came back with powerful vessels to hold their bodies. It was going to be with the colossal effort to bring back the Uzumaki clan but it can be done. Finding the scattered Uzumaki will be another effort. Still, there was a scroll to deal with that, a communication device linked to all those with Uzumaki blood flowing no matter the amount, meaning those that were half-blood were included. They just needed to get to the main shore. 

Naruto climbed on the boat, summoning clones to take their respective places as Neji jumped off to bid his farewell. Nabari looked at him with a teasing glint. "Ah, our little pumpkin is wishing us goodbye. I'll miss you so much darling," She purred. Neji smiled at her as Primrose pointed her fan at him. 

"Keep an eye on Naruto, we Uzumaki tend to go overboard when we have a set plan that won't deviate." 

"It is true that we are a bit stubborn," Rukia sighed. "But I do feel excited that we are making a comeback." 

"Is it wrong to hope Neji-san?" Nori looked up at him and Neji smiled at her.

"No, it isn't, I'm just happy to be by Naruto's side," He said in all honesty as he looked back at the blonde who was getting the sails out. "Things are going to be moving very quickly when the scattered Uzumaki are gathered again. I'm sure they will want revenge for their home being in a state of ruin." 

Naruto and his clones worked bitterly for days and nights to clear the ruined structures and buried the recovered scrolls in the bunker where they found the royal scroll. The elders took inventory and noted with glee that Naruto had found all their clan's secret scrolls. The others lost in the ruin could be rewritten from their impeccable memory. 

"And with Naruto being the Clan Head am sure he would lead us into a successful counter-attack," Todoro grinned. 

Neji's eyes widened at the news. "Wait." 

"What you didn't think we would give it to him so young?" Akuma guessed and Neji nodded at the news. 

"He's proven himself more than capable, he's shown resilience and drive to become a better person and leader. Besides he will be the one with your aide of course to bring this plan to fruition," Nabari giggled. 

"I'll say that's Clan Head worthiness right there and Uzukage feats," Rukia hummed. "He earned it after all, during these years of grueling labor as this would be the real test." 

"He will succeed," Neji promised. "Naruto won't give up, I promise." 

"Aww, the male wife believes in his husband," Primrose teases as Naruto walked up behind the Hyuga. 

"I would think so, he's my ward after all," Naruto kissed Neji's cheek. "We have to get going, those bodies aren't going to come themselves." 

"We wish you safe travels and success," Nori smiled.

"Hold out for us," Naruto urged. 

"We have no troubles waiting young one, we've waited decades for you, and a little while longer won't be much of a problem," Akuma murmured. "To get those powerful bodies you'll have to be powerful enough to get them correct?" 

"Not always," Naruto gained a sly look about him. 

"Other methods have always been available," Neji said cryptically. 

"Look at them," Nabari cooed. "Plotting and scheming like a true couple." 

"Off you go," Rukia shooed them. "We'll be here waiting for pleasant results." 

"And we will deliver," Neji waved as he was pulled on the boat. 

Naruto left behind several clones to start the construction of Uzushiogakure and with the clan member's memories, he had high hopes when he came back in a few years. As the island became distant in view Neji turned to Naruto who was drinking milk from a thermos. "Husband," Neji called, the blonde looked over. 

"I hope to build a prosperous country with you." 

Naruto smiled at his words. "We'll build a wonderful country darling." 

"So what's the plan now?" 

"Contact the scattered Uzumaki through the scroll and then find the candidates for their bodies," Naruto passed over his thermos and Neji took it in his hands. 

"What traits are you looking for in those bodies?" 

"Like mine, strong and sturdy, massive reserves of chakra, etc," Naruto shrugged as he rolled his shoulders. "I might pick up a Jinchuriki or two." 


"No, to give them a home," Naruto smiled thoughtfully. "Gaara will have little to no convincing if his village still treats him like crap even after his father died. No doubt they blame him for the failure to take over the Leaf and leaving Suna in a strain with their only ally. Despite the warning I gave his siblings people are hard to change their views when it's the one they've known all their life." 

"And you plan to encroach on that?" 

"Of course, I've done some research on the different seals the Uzumaki used for Kurama and decided as a show of gratitude and genuine love of Gaara as my friend I would fix the clusterfuck his father called a seal." 

"Benefits?" Neji sipped the heated liquid. 

"He can finally sleep for once," Naruto tapped his fingers on the edge of the boat. 

Neji perked up and Naruto smiled. "It can do that?" 

"Yeah, being a Jinchuriki doesn't mean you don't enjoy the comforts of being human, I sleep, the others sleep why should Gaara be the only one without sleep because his father didn't want to listen to reason and seal Shukaku properly?" 

"You're too kind Naruto," Neji chuckled softly. 

"A trait I want to be the breaking point for my friend coming with me," Naruto gazed out at the ocean. "Yes, it's beneficial but the things Gaara endured for being a jailer are far worse than what I had to endure. Nobody could touch me because Hokage-sama would have the ANBU skin them alive but otherwise the words and banishment from buying anything were mild compared to having your entire village go after you physically despite your father being Kazekage." 

Neji looked thoughtful. 

"His father had an assassination attempt on Gaara, through Gaara's uncle that acted as a caregiver. That was the final straw," Naruto narrowed his eyes. "In all this hatred for simply existing the one person you thought would be your shield from the storm was the one to try and end your life. Gaara killed him and fully committed to being a monster but he isn't one. In all honesty, Gaara has the most tender soul I've ever seen before. It's jarring since when we met him he came to us as a monster." 

Neji gritted his teeth. "He's been through a lot." 

"And I want that to end by getting him to come with us, Uzushiogakure never judged the ones tasked with carrying the Tailed Beasts. I will renew the lands and ensure that we uphold that unspoken agreement. Gaara will be safe there along with any other Jinchuriki we happen to persuade."

Neji smiled softly. "I'm proud to be your husband Naruto." 

"I aim to be that type of husband that doesn't embarrass his family," Naruto cupped his cheek. "Your uncle has already embarrassed you by beating you in front of the elders, there was no future for you in that clan. I however will give you a future, to stand by my side as I revive my clan and homeland. You will be my right hand, my queen." 

Neji's vision blurred with tears as Naruto kissed him. 

'You're too powerful with your words Naruto.' 

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