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Word had gotten around. Neji wasn't going to hide their status, especially not to their friends. Naruto didn't seem to care but Neji knew he did as they were the people who accepted him and his Jinchuriki status.

Tsunade was the one to seal the marriage license and was surprised by Neji's happiness as he took it back to hang in their apartment. Naruto just gave her a knowing smirk before shrugging. They hung it up, promising a wedding when they both turned 18. For now, they were taking things day by day. 

Today was such a day, Neji was training with his team as Naruto had gone out on a solo B-ranked mission. Tenten had gotten him attached to a weapon he hadn't expected. It was a plain polearm but with the gracefulness of the Hyuga Taijutsu style, it was easy for Neji to maneuver the weapon alongside his body.

"You know, you should seriously think about incorporating this into your fighting style. It suits you so well," She compliment as Neji spun his polearm around his wrist into a tight grip.

"Do you think so?" Neji looked at the weapon. "It does feel a bit off."

"Because it was tailored to me silly," She laughed. "Come by the shop after practice and we can take some measurements. Think of it like an early birthday present."

Neji hummed in thought before agreeing to the offer. 

They went back to training, sparring with various weapons so that Neji could have a feel for it as now that he was loose from the Hyuga clan he wasn't being held back now. They could only study the clan style and nothing else. He was an Uzumaki now, hence he can properly explore this ninja world and the various fighting styles. 


On his way back home he paused in his steps as he saw Naruto talking with Hinata. He didn't look interested in what she had to say and for that Neji was grateful. He had told the blonde what happened and to say Naruto was pissed was an understatement. But to see his cousin talking up to what essentially is his husband was infuriating. He walked closer so he could eavesdrop as they hadn't noticed him. 

"I love you Naruto-Kun."

"And I love my husband," Naruto snapped back. "Get lost, you're the reason he's in this position in the first place." 

"I didn't think father-" 

"Well, you thought wrong! Did you ever stop to consider the consequences of being associated with me? Or the thought of being outed as gay?" Naruto was glaring at her. "Do you think I feel great having gotten Neji thrown out of his home, disowned?" 


"Save it," Naruto held his hand up at her. "You're not supposed to tell me this, you're supposed to tell Neji this." 

The Uzumaki turned away and continued his way home just as the former Hyuga made it beside Hinata who froze at seeing him. He looked down at her and he felt nothing. For once in his life, he didn't think Hinata had anything over him. He was finally his own person, a separate entity from the oppressive clan that aimed to stifle him. "Don't approach my husband ever again with your frivolous feelings," He was livid. 


"I don't want to hear it," He sighed. "I'm under no obligation to you now. I'm not your cousin and I'm certainly not your brother. I am simply Neji Uzumaki and I need to get home to my husband." 

Hinata had tears in her eyes. "But you knew that I love him." 

"And he's attracted to males. Specifically, hence I got a ring to confirm and a stamped marriage certificate. He's my husband and I could care less who had what first. You didn't say anything so it's all fair game in love and war." 

He shrugged at her crying and walked off home. 

He certainly didn't miss putting up with her. She was a nightmare crybaby, his former uncle would scold her for being so pathetic emotionally and then turn around and be all nice and sweet. He was a two-faced man who was playing with Hinata's feelings. If Neji didn't know any better he could almost compare the behavior he had now to how he treated his deceased wife. Emotionally manipulating them to no end. 


When he made it home Naruto was waiting in the living room. He was reading a scroll but immediately diverted his attention as Neji toed off his shoes. "Did you have a good day?" 

"Wonderful day. I might be becoming a polearm user," Neji reported, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'm no longer bound to the Hyuga clan's specialty Justus. I can now freely explore other avenues." 

"That's wonderful to hear," Naruto frowned a bit after however. "Hinata approached me today, professing her love and asking why I married you. She said she didn't realize her father would go that far." 

Neji narrowed his eyes and sat on the ground beside Naruto's feet and rested his head on the blonde's lap. "Tell me more." 

Naruto began playing with his hair. "I scolded her, more like I tore her down. I asked her if she didn't realize that being caught with me was a sin. A curse? She began blubbering but I couldn't stay around to find out." 

"I bumped into her, and she tried to dress me down, saying that I knew she loved you. But I told her you were gay and the fact that I was seen with you was enough to know that you had no interest in her. Besides if she didn't speak up how else did she think it was going to go?" 

Naruto smiled. "I don't care for gender actually. I just want someone honest by my side. If that person is you then so be it. I will forever take care of you." 

"I didn't doubt you," Neji looked up at the blonde and grinned. "If you keep this up then I won't want to go anywhere." 

"Then I need to try harder," Naruto chuckled. "I want you right here by my side." 

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