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"They came looking for us," Naruto murmured as he combed through the reports before smiling. "Sorry, but I have no desire to head back to Konoha. But I am interested in gaining my inheritance. A solo mission for the likes of me who hasn't been out and about in a long time." 

"Should we let them know we are here?" 

"Neji darling this is just a formality," Naruto tossed the papers aside. "They know we are here, we were heading this way to get rid of your seal, We never met up with Jiraiya because of a drastic change in plans. We dropped off the map and our last known location was Uzushio ruins. Two paths are very obvious." 

"You two either made it here and discovered Uzushio prospering under the covers or you two built back Uzushio through unsavory means," Gaara spoke as he came inside from his latest reconnaissance mission. "But something here was powerful enough to make you two stay and disregard the former bonds you both had." 

"My bonds weren't intense," Naruto shrugged. "If Neji hadn't seen me in that hospital that night I would've been planning my escape. I knew they would probably get Sasuke off punishment soon, I had to fight for my Chunin promotion. What else would I have to fight for to become Jounin? Anbu? Hokage? I lay in that hospital bed and realized that it wasn't worth it anymore to be loyal to the Leaf. I planned to leave, but when Jiraiya offered the training trip I viewed it as an opportunity." 

"You had no intentions of sending me back to the Leaf did you?" Neji chuckled softly. 

"Not in the slightest," Naruto hummed as he rested his hand against his cheek. "If not Uzushio I would have sent you to one of the many alliances I had gained from missions. I would have had you situated in the Spring Country, Moon Country, Demon Land, etc. They were all willing and I was able so if Konoha had demanded you back I would have flipped them off. Luckily they didn't and Jiriaya was so much of a fool to hide it from Tsunade that we fell off the map. He probably thought he could have found us but sadly he didn't realize I had ways to divert and slip under the radar when needed." 

"So what's the plan Naruto?" Gaara leaned on the other side of the table. "Name it and I can do it. They still have the same weak points in the village when Orochimaru attacked." 

Naruto clicked his teeth in annoyance. "That's the thing with Konoha. They have the most advantageous position, the most shinobi, and the most clans and it gives them that arrogance. They firmly believe they can't be toppled over because they were the first ninja village." 

"Do you want to topple them?" Neji asked curiously. 

"Not interested and if I was it would have to be me and me alone," Naruto turned to look out the window that gave a vision of the nightlife of Uzushio. "I would never lead my people into a war that was personal for me." 

"Please do remember you're not alone," Neji scolded lightly. 

"It would seem my brother has forgotten that I vowed to be by his side," Gaara grumbled and Naruto started laughing as his two precious people prodded him playfully. 

"I do, I do," He giggled softly as he calmed down. "Don't worry I love you two dearly and I know I'm not alone. I know you two will never abandon me. We are bound for life." 

"The plan?" 

"Once Team BOLT finishes the Akatsuki in collaboration with Kumogakure's Yugito and Killer Bee we will divert attention to confirming that we are here," Naruto leaned forward. "Once that's confirmed they'll demand proof or for us to be released into Konoha custody but we will head there for negotiations and see what's in store for us. While we stall for time Gaara will be packing up my parent's estate, many of Uzumaki's relics were left with my mother due to her being the Princess. Since Gaara and I did a blood tie the seals wouldn't reject him." 

"I'll put in the order for large scrolls," Gaara noted as he eased the gourd from his back. 

"And I need to go dig out my most prestigious kimonos," Neji murmured as he thought about his extensive closet space. "I'll pick out you and Gaara's suits as well. Can't go to enemy territory looking rugged. We are the leaders of a wealthy shinobi village, we should reflect that." 

Naruto gave Neji an amused smirk before nudging Gaara playfully. "Look at him, acting like he doesn't have a luxury streak." 

Gaara smiled slightly as Neji huffed and turned away. It was all in good fun. Naruto knew being a branch member meant a lack of good clothing. The outfit Neji had worn in their Genin days was an outfit his father had bought in hopes of seeing Neji in proper clothes, it was no surprise that it was the only proper outfit he had when they were young. 'I hope your father was happy seeing you wearing it, he had good taste. Taste he passed onto his son who was now picky about clothing now that he had the opportunity to do what he pleased.'

"I'm just picking on you sugar," Naruto reached out to pull Neji down into a quick kiss. "Knock yourself out. I don't care what you put us in." 

Neji grinned and happily left the office to leave Naruto and Gaara to contemplate another issue. Once the door audibly closed Naruto turned to his brother. "Tell me." 

Gaara rolled his eyes. "He's still weak," the raspy voice responded. "You'll kill him if you're not careful." 

Naruto scoffed. "What the hell has Kakashi been teaching him? What about Sakura?" 

"Lady Tsunade took her under the wing," Gaara mused. "She's competent but is still far below Tsunade's capabilities. Give her a few more years, she'll grow nicely." 

Naruto snorted. "Cause she got out of the Sasuke haze real quick when he turned his blade on her. I still can't believe she never saw that coming. I was the one keeping him from murdering her, with me gone and him recovering his ego what did she think was going to happen." 

"Women are often blind when it comes to love," Gaara said on the desk. 

"Don't disrespect women Gaara. At least not the competent ones. Any sane woman can see Sasuke's disturbing tendencies and turn in the next direction," He sighed. "But it can't be helped. He'll realize soon enough that he chased away the only woman who would open her legs for a bastard like him." 

"Crude," Gaara flicked Naruto's forehead. "But so true." 

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