V. Introduction (Mavie)

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After we part ways with Sammy and Jewel. I head back to the Bus Stop.

Hinanap ko yong little Kitten na yon. Its really unusual because I hate cats. But this one is more like me.

It is as if nababasa nya ko.

How i see the pain on its eyes and how it reflects to mine.

After almost a year of fighting and hiding behind this poker face. Akalain nyo yon sa pusa ako makakahanap ng karamay.

I saw that cute bunch kanina umaga. Sa liit nya muntik na syang apakan nung kasabay ko. She's so fragile. Kaya yung dala kong sushi binigay ko na sakanya.

I was about to give my other piece pa nga sana when it bit me.

Sh*t sh*t, kelangan ko ba ng anti rabies? Para sa aso lang yon diba?

I panicked and as i was about to move away i tumbled down.

Ang sakit sa likod.

I don't know maybe kasi ubos na yong luha ko sa kakaiyak that i laughed. Really laughed.

It was the first time that i laughed this hard after all those years, that even pinagtitinginan nako ng mga tao sa sakayan di ko mapigil.

Ohh this cat. Look what you did to me.

Yung bitten part ng kamay ko, lucky kasi di mubaon. Hayyyy. Thank you.
I smiled. This cat talaga. This cute little Kitten.

Kung wala lang akong gagawin, dadalhin sana kita kaso may lakad pako.

"Muning" tawag ko sakanya.

"Aalis muna ako hah, balikan kita dito. Promise dadalhan kita ng food. Balik si Ate Mavie mo"

It looked me in the eye and i don't know kung namalikmata lang ako kasi tumango sya. Like it understood me.

Umalis nko kasi may pupuntahan pako.

----end of flashback----

"Muning, Muning" tawag ko sa kanya. Para nakong tanga dito. Mag si-six na di ko pa sya nahahanap.

Kanina when Jewel and Sammy talked about cheerleading i think i just want to combust.

It got me back to the time that she was always my Head Cheerleader. My ate Beth was still with me.

Stop it! I didn't move back here sa Pinas to remember my pains and past sorrows. My ate wouldn't want me to be sad when remembering her. I Still need to fulfill my promise to her.

"Hey there little kitten. San ka nagsususuot. Di ba i told you. I will come back?"

"I think you're alone in here. Wanna go with me back Home?"nilingonan nya ko as if nagtatanong kung may Home ba ko.

Do i really have a Home?

My Senior High First LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon