XI. Truth (Mavie)

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"Okay ka lang ba jan iha?"the guard asked.

"Okay lang po Kuya Tino" its just only 2 weeks when I got back here from States.

But, I felt that I have been here for longer than that.


Little by little natutupad ko na ang promise ko kay Ate.

Kaso kanina, I know they are trying to cover me up. The way Ate Abby or even the others didn't want Ate Charlie to know.

I know, wala naman policy saying banning a member of a club to join another club. I already consulted the school and made sure of that.

But I know for the sake of honesty and alam ko na if I kept this secret it would be unfair to the others. I don't want to burden them na and think ill of me for not saying the truth.

I just got them. Friends.

After Ate was diagnosed kasi with Cancer. Our lives were put on hold. We went to States hoping to cure Ate.

I was home schooled to take care of her since Mom and Dad need to work for our expenses sa Hospital. Kuya needed to have part time jobs to help.

We battled ate Beth's sickness for almost three years. And in that time---

No, I don't want to remember it right now.
Not like this. When I am trying to fix my mess.

I'm all tense and fidgety sa kinatatayuan. I haven't felt this nervous before in a long time. The last time I may have felt so nervous was when we were waiting for Ate's Medical Result.

Relax Mavie,

In times like this I remember how she always talked me out my anxiety and help me calm down.

Kaya I stood straight and composed myself standing here at the gate , waiting for Ate Charlie and hopefully hihingi din ng sorry kay Ate Abby kasi nalaman pa nya sa iba.

Nakita ko na sila papalabas.

Oh dear, here it goes

"Ate Charlie Ate Abby" I gently called out and tapped them.

"Can I talk to the both of you?"

"Oh Mavie ikaw pala, sure, san mo ba gusto?" Ate Charlie replied.

"Sa Coffee shop malapit dito nalang po" my heart beat is getting faster.

For those who don't know. I'm super terrified with the both of them. Sure, they are very friendly especially kanina. But during trainings and practises, you won't even see them smile. Kaya kami ni Steffi, di makabasag pinggan.

We went to a coffee shop. The one I went before since their frappe good.

"Ate Charlie, ate Abby what do you want po"

"I think tea for the both of us, uhh here's my card" bibigay na sana ni Ate Abby yung card nya.

"No na Ate, libre ko na" I declined her offer.

When I got my frappe and their tea.

I tried to start explaining but I dont know where to start and how to start.

I don't know na. I think I might faint.

I have this manner where I would close my fist very hard when I'm not calm.

Napansin ata ni Ate Abby kasi, she placed both of her hands on top of mine.

"Relax MavieLee, kaya mo yan"

My Senior High First LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon