XXIII. Almost (Abby)

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"Ate Abby, may sasabihin sana ako.."

"Mav, I want to be honest na sayo. I..."

I have feelings for you

I was about to say that last four words when suddenly biglang umulan.

"Jade anak pumasok k---ohh Abby iha. Umuulan na pasok muna kayo"

"Its okay Tita naghihintay din yun grab ko"

"Ate Abby, your drenched na" she came close to me. Covering her head with her palm.

"Its already 10 pm na and your wet. Basa na damit mo. Magkakasakit ka, malayo pa naman yong sainyo""And clearly I don't trust the driver" she whispered

"Teka mga anak kukuha lang ako ng payong" dali daling alis ng Mom ni Mavie

The rain's getting stonger na.
I also used my palm as cover nadin.

I peek at Mav, she has her worried face as she was facing me. We're so close.

How come I didn't notice that she has long lashes

"Miss tutuloy ka pa ba?" The grab driver asked from his seat

"No she won't na kuya. Can I have your code nalang po so I can pay"


"Just get inside Ate, ako na bahala"

"Sige iha pasok ka na, Jade anak ohh payong" habang abot abot nya kay Mavie ang extra payong na dala.

"Thank you po Tita"

Then we went inside of the Lee's Residences na.

"Ate Abby, are you decent na?" Mavie's at the door kasi ng guest room.

"Ahh yeah. You can come inside na" while inviting her to come inside the guest room.

Mavie's parents offered kasi to let me stay muna tonight since the rain's still pouring.

I also showered nadin and change into a robe.

"I brought you a change of clothes. Hope it will fit. Ke Ate Beth kasi yan" while she sat beside me.

"Thank you, nga pala Mom says okay na. Sya pa nga naginsist na bukas nako umuwi" i replied

"Tamo, its dangerous na kasi tsaka umuulan pa" she proudly agreed.

Its very nerve wracking I was gonna confess na kanina.

"Go change ka muna. I'll just uhmmm, do you want milk. I can heat some for you"

"Its okay Mav, and thank you for offering. You go rest na, may pasok pa tayo bukas"  "okay uhmm"

I'm tapping my fingers on my knees.
We're both waiting for something.
And that something is...

"Uhmm okay, ahh are you comfortable na ba dito? Just call me if you need anything hah" then tumayo sya.
Walking outside while waving at me.
"Good night Ate Abby"

"Good night Mavie"

I heaved a big sigh.
I didn't even know na I'm holding my breath.

"And Ate Abby, uhmm I really really really had a great time tonight" while peeking inside the room.

I laid on the bed and smile.
I may haven't confessed sakanya, but
I'm still happy because she said she had a great time with me.

It just surprised me kasi.
When I saw Mavie kanina sa church, with her dressing like that, its like something in me just snapped. I just immediately gravitated to her. I even also asked to have dinner with her which I don't usually do.

My Senior High First LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon