you're safe with me*

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15 minutes later there was a knock at the door, I opened it up to find a nervous calum standing there "hey calu-" "bemygirlfriend?" he quickly said. "what?" I asked him. "will you... um... be my girlfriend?" he asked again. "yeah" I breahed out, amazed that he was even asking me. I could hardly breathe, i was so happy. Next thing I knew calum was running up to me hugging me, "thank you so much" he whispered kissing my cheek. "come on now, I'm hungry" i said taking his hand, leading him into the lounge room.

"okay what do you want? i can't make up my mind between pizza and Indian" i said getting the menus out "whatever you want" he took a seat on the couch, "oh are you one of those people?" i complained "what kind of person?" he asked laughing "oh i don't care what we have, whatever you want is fine. When really you are thinking please get get or please get that" and i just stared at calum, who had a massive grin on his face. "what?" I asked him. "you're funny" he said taking one of the meanu's out of my hand. "what do you want?" I asked again, being serious, "really?" he asked, i nodded my head "I could do with some pizza" he said "okay good, but now i get to chose what kind of pizza" "haha okay" he said, grabbing my waist and pulling me onto his lap, "what kind do you want?" he asked into my shoulder "i don't know..." i said slowly looking at the menu "well this is going to take while"

Once the pizza came I took it back to the lounge room where calum was spread out across the couch. "come up and eat" I said putting the pizza on the table "oh my god... You scared me" calum said sitting up. "I know... I'm very scary" I laughed grabbing a slice. "but you are also very beatuiful" he said coming up behind me kissing my cheek. I just smilied and turned away, I don't think I will ever get use to his complements.

We just sat and talked while eating the pizza. "okay I'm full, there is no way I can finish that slice" I say throwing my half eaten pizza onto the plate, "that's paltic, come on, finish that," he said picking the pice of pizza up "no cal I can't, I'm so full" I said waving my hands, "come on eat it" he said laughing, I sighed putting my hands down and grabbing the pizza and finishing it. "I feel like I'm about to explode" I said finally finishing eating the pizza. "come on let's watch a movie" I said standing up walking over to the movies with calum behind me "chose, I'm going to gets drink, want one?" I asked, "whatever your having will be fine" he said turning back to look at the movies as you walk out of the room. A minute later I walked back into the room to find calum holding a movie "you can't go wrong with harry potter" he said hold up the movie. "never" I laughed handing him his drink. We put the movie on the layed down on the couch, with calums arm tightly around my waist and my head on his chest. even though it was only 8:30 I was really tired "it's fine just go to sleep, I'll be right here" calum whispered into my ear, so that excatly what I did.

I woke up to a big bang and you shot straight up "hey, hey" calum said sitting up with me, running my back. "what was that?" I asked worried, looking straight at calum "it was just some lightening" he whisper, trying to calm me down. "oh" I said lying back down on calums chest. "are you okay?" he asked. I nodded my head "yeah, what's the time?" I asked him, "11:30..." he said realizing the time... " has my mum came home yet?" I asked. "no not yet" he replied. "oh okay" i said, it wasn't like her to stay out this late "do you want to stay at mine tonight? I dont think it would be nice to be spending a night like this alone" he said, I nodded my head sitting up again. "go and get some comfy clothes on and i'll wait for you at the door" he said. I went up to my room got changed and met calum at the door.

On the way to calums house he went slow, just to make sure we didn't crash or anything. Once we were at calums house he let his mum know, who was half asleep, that him and I were home and that I was staying the night. She was actually okay with it. Calum and I went into his room, he got changed while I got under the blankets like calum told me to. He came in next to me. His warm chest against my back, "good night gorgeous" he whispered kissing my forehead "night" I whispered back.

Half an hour later I still couldn't sleep, the thunder was just letting louder and louder. There was some lighting that was really close, it looked like it was just outside calums window. I tuned around and cludded into calums chest. "shh, shh, it's okay" he whispered running his finger up and down my spine until a feel asleep.


sorry for any spelling mistakes... and if it doesn't make any sence...

I NEED TO STUDY (a Calum Hood fanfic) *In editing*Where stories live. Discover now