In the beginning

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I'd like to start off with a little backstory on how you met if you don't mind

You could skip this chapter but you'll probably be confused later on

In the beginning there was nothing, then came light and soon to follow was life. A few years passed and God grew lonely. So he created man and woman, and together they created a little thing called love. The creator saw this love and made an entity out of it. They were beautiful and graceful in every way, they were his favorite little angel. "Creator, what is that?" another angel with curly blonde hair pointed at her, "This is your new sibling, aren't they beautiful Samael?". The angel looked closely at them, not one defect.

The angel put their hands behind their back and nodded. "Yes, very lovely. What will be her name?" The creator looked around and then noticed pink Amaryllises growing where the beautiful Angel was standing. "Am-Amar..Amarael (Uh-Mar-E-L). Yes, Amarael will be her name. Samael take them with you and show them around" The creator commanded, Samael bowed before taking the little angel's hand. They pulled them close and lifted them up into their arms. "I will also take the initiative to teach them to fly" their pure white wings carried them and their new sibling all the way to the heavens above.

Years went by, the apple of Eden was taken and darkness spread through the world corrupting every human. "Maybe you should start over, they are too far gone after all" Samuel's lip twitched in disgust, "I should, thank you Sam" The creator nodded. Samuel smiled knowing the one thing they hated most would be destroyed, "How is Amarael doing?" He asked. Samuel's eyes flickered from their creator to the little angel playing with the children down below. "Their curious about humanity, they loves everything they see and are remarkably strong" They smiled, the creator nodded again thinking about what to do with his corrupted creation. Meanwhile the little angel he had created was having the time of their life with the children on earth.

Oh how they loved to play with the little mortals, so innocent, so fragile. As they danced around the angel, she laughed and smiled. The laughter soon died when a little boy pointed to a tree and ran away screaming with the other children while the little angel stood there confused.

(Gonna change to she/her pronouns)

She looked at the tree but saw nothing wrong with it..until a raven circled the tree and landed on something black. "Who's there?Show yourself!" She yelled, a shadowy figure stepped out from behind and stared at her with it's glowing yellow eyes. "You didn't run" it said, more a statement than a question. "I'm not afraid, what's your name?" She smiled kindly, "My siblings call me Dream, you can call me Morpheus".

She bowed her head in respect before holding out her hand. "They call me Amarael but you can call me Amaris(Uh M-Are-Es)", such a kind smile she had it was something Dream had noticed right away. As their hands touched they both focused on how the other felt. Dream's hand was a bit cold while her's was a comfortable warm. "Are you one of the endless?" She asked stepping under the tree for some shade, he watched her with his now blue eyes. "I am. Are you an angel?", she copied his stiff posture "I am.".

The little joke made his mouth twitch in a smile, 'what a strange girl' he thought to himself. "I apologize for scaring away your mortals", "Children" she stated. His eyes came from the ground to meet hers, "What?" He whispered. "They're called children, I feel like you should know this since you're the one who sprinkles sand in their eyes", his cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

Amarael noticed and giggled at his reaction. "I don't spend as much time with them as you appear to", she shrugged "I enjoy their company, so full of happiness". He nodded though he didn't understand the appeal, children often ran just from his shadow. "What's he doing?" He motioned over to the man hammering away at his vessel, "Oh that's Noah, he's doing what my creator asked of him". Dream rolled his eyes, "He asked the man to build a boat?" He asked in a snarky tone. "Yup" she smiled widely, "What next, would the grand creator like a house?", she tilted her head confused at the odd question.

Sarcasm wasn't something that occurred around her so she had know idea what it was. "It's getting dark, I'd leave soon if I were you" she walked out from under the shade, Dream raised his eyebrow "Why?". "It's going to be raining for a while" and with that she flew off into the clouds. She was right, it rained for weeks.

Once the earth was remade she came back down, with the help of the other angels life began to prosper. She would play with the children and Dream would silently watched from the shadows. "Just talk to her" his raven nudged his cheek as he stared at the joyous angel. He looked down and then to his feathered friend. "Best if I didn't, love never works out for me", the raven sighed "I think she may be different, after all your looking at the embodiment of it". His eyes widened, "What?", "I heard some of the others talking about, she is the anthropomorphic personification of love" the raven explained. A being made of pure love?Dream had never heard of such a entity.

"Dream!" A familiar voice called, he turned to see his beloved sister. "Hello my sister, what are doing here?" He asked while pretending to play with his sand, "Just waiting, what about you?". He shrugged "Resting", she smiled a knowing smile. As in she knew he was lying, "When you done spying on that woman, the creator asked for you". He ignored the fact that she caught him, "For what?". She played with her necklace, "Don't know, why don't you go and ask". He rolled his eyes once more, he didn't feel like being anywhere than where he was. Nonetheless he went, apparently the creator needed a favor done. No one knew what the favor was, only that when Dream completed it he was gifted something he didn't even know he wanted.

A new friend, a wife

Thank you so much for bearing with me through the first chapter, I'm one of those authors that suck at intros but I promise the story gets better and has a plot twist

So just a heads up/notes:

- Amarael is gender fluid so I'll be switching pronouns for some chapters, and yes her voice and body changes to fit what she feels

- I used they/them pronouns for Lucifer/Samael because angels don't have genders

- I say Creator because I know not everyone believes in God, the DC comics do seem to incorporate every religion which is what I will be doing

- I will give heads up when she changes genders

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