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(Outfit for the day)

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(Outfit for the day)

3rd POV

It was time for the two immortals to stop their murderous creation. "I'll go make sure Rose is safe, you take care of the Corinthian" Amaris kissed her husband before they parted ways in the mortal hotel.

Amaris used her senses to find Rose and her brother but not the way she wanted to. "Oh no, they're!—" She gasped before checking their pulses, she sighed relieved at the little beats "—asleep. Wait that's bad too". She moved a piece of Rose's hair out of her face before leaving the room and locking it.

She made her way down to the auditorium where she found many many people with their eyes closed. On stage was the Corinthian and Dream. "Dream!" She called out making the man in black turn to look. Corinthian took the opportunity to stab Dreams hand making both the entities yell out in surprise.

She ran up the stage causing the Corinthian to step back. "Why are you scared of her more than me?" Dream asked clutching his hand, "Because, daddy, unlike you Love is unpredictable". Dream shuddered at the odd name choice and used his wife's help to stand. "How?" He stared down at his healing hand, "I've got Rose Walker getting stronger every second while you get weaker" Corinthian smiled.

"She's taking your place at the center of the Dreaming. She's bringing the walls down between the sleepers' minds and now they're all dreaming the same dream. I dream that I inspired.", "No" Dream growled. The man in cream chuckled "It's already happening. There's nothing you can do, she's already asleep and dreaming. Right mommy?", she scrunched her noise in distaste "I told you you should've made a dog instead of him". Dream rolled his eyes "She is not beyond my reach then", "Oh I think she is" Corinthian countered "Now that she knows you two are planning to kill her".

Dream was too weak to get inside of Rose's dream alone but with the queens shared energy he managed to break through. "You need to wake up" he commanded her and Jed. Dream, Amaris and unfortunately the Corinthian all entered the dream state. "Don't listen to him, Rosebud." He cooed "You're the one with the power now, not him. This is your dream". Amaris shook her head "It's his dream, for your world", Corinthian swooped in desperately "Then let's make it yours. Whatever you want, Rose. A blank canvas". With that notion Jed disappeared from Rose's side, "Where's Jed?" She panicked.

"Jed's fine" Amaris reassured her "He's upstairs asleep, right next to you", Rose smiled thankfully until Corinthian forced her towards him. "This dream is yours now. The Dreaming is yours now", "The Dreaming is yours? Is that what he told you?" Dream asked.  Rose stared at him cautiously "He told me you two were going to kill me", "Did he tell you why?" Amaris questioned.

Dream hated bringing this up but if it'll help reassure her he'll share his mistake. "When a vortex brings down the walls between dreams, she create a single volatile dream that will collapse in upon itself, and take the waking world with it. Your world. Everything and everyone in it will die" Dream rapidly explained, "Don't believe him, Rosie" Corinthian yelled but she payed no mind. Dream continued "Its happened before, I failed in my duty, an entire universe was lost", Amaris held his hand and squeezed it. Dream smiled letting her know that he was ok with the memory.

Rose felt happy to see her two parental figures together again, "They can't kill you if you kill them first" Corinthian whispered like a devil on her shoulder. "Killing us may save your life, but it won't save the lives of those you love" Dream stated, "I'm trying to keep you alive here" Corinthian whined, "We're trying to keep your world alive" Amaris quickly defended.

"You have to choose one of us rose" he pressed on, "Enough!" Rose shouted radiating her energy. "If I'm as powerful as you say I am, then I will find my own way. In meantime the walls go back up" she began to raise her arms and recreate the barriers between the dreamers' minds. "Because I'm not dreaming anymore, thanks to you three, I'm wide awake", Dream stared at her proudly before she kicked them out into the real world.

There the three nonhumans stood back on the stage, "If you think I'm going back to the Dreaming with you two—" Corinthian started. "You're not going back" Dream interrupted "We brought you into this world to serve humanity, not to feed upon it.". Corinthian smiled sadly "Do you know why I do it?, so I can taste what it's like to be human. And you, Dream, don't care about humanity. You only care about yourself and your realm and your rules", Dream scoffed "I contain the entire collective unconsciousness. Without my rules it would consume us. Humanity would be consumed.".

The bad dream smirked "Or you might actually feel something. I'm not the problem, Dream", Dream nodded "You're right. This was my fault not yours. We had so much hope for you, but I created you poorly then. So now I must uncreate you". He held out his hand and collected the Corinthian slowly. Before he was almost gone he turned to look at Amaris "I'm sorry mommy", she was confused for a second until she spotted a knife heading towards her.

But it never hit her, instead Dream fell into her. "Sorry pops but I can't just let you—" Corinthian stopped suddenly chocking, Amaris glared at him. "You truly are a disappointing, Cori, I will not miss you, my son" she claimed before setting him ablaze and watching him return to his sandy form. Dream gasped as he pulled out the knife from his lower chest, "I'm sorry my love". She cradled his head "What for?You saved me", "For not listening to you, on so many occasions. You are the most intelligent, powerful and beautiful creature in my life and I love you".

She giggled and ruffled his already wild hair, "Get up you fool, you're being dramatic". Dream smiled while shrugging "I thought that was a pretty good hero speech", Amaris leaned down and kissed her ridiculous husband. The two stood up and faced the crowd of waking psycho. Dream walked over and picked up what was left of his creation. "Next time I make you, you will not be so flawed and petty, little dream" he placed the skull into his pocket before leering at the audience. He was about to speak but Amaris put a hand on his chest to stop him. "I got this" she smiled, he nodded and stepped back.

She stared out while showing her disgust. Her wings were raised and her now showing hall shined brightly. They all admired her silently, eyes shiny and scared. "To you all, who call yourselves "collectors" until now, you have sustained fantasies in which you are the victims, comforting daydreams in which you are always right. But no more. The dream is over. He has taken it away. For this is our judgement upon you that you shall know from this moment on exactly how craven and selfish and monstrous you are" her voice echoed in their heads as the left "That you shall feel the pain of those you have slaughtered and the grief of those that mourn them still, and you shall carry that pain and grief and guilt with you until the end of time".

Amaris and Dream watched as Mathew landed in front of them after Rose and her brother drove off. "Want me to follow her?" He asked, "No. When she is awake she is not a threat. Tonight when she sleeps we will find her and end this."


So close!

I'm gonna post this before my phone dies.

Thanks for reading plz comment and vote!

Sorry for any errors

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