Playing house Pt1

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Is this story even good?

I feel like the other ones have more readers..


3rd POV

Dream stood at Rosé's unexpected presence, "You are welcomed here, Rose Walker" he said in a calm tone. The girl looked around confused but curious, "Who are you?" She asked. "You have somehow dreamed your way into an audience with Lord Morpheus, the King of Dreams" Lucienne announced "and now you must go".

"Lucienne" Dream warned, "She shouldn't be here" Lucienne said through her teeth. "No but I should like her to stay", the girl still confused asked "What is this place?". Dream gave a light smile "You're in the dreaming. The place where people come when they sleep", "So, I'm asleep right now? I'm dreaming?" She confirmed with him.

"Yes, and I should like to know how it is you found me", the girl shook her head nonchalantly "I heard you talking about my brother. Is he here?". Dream began to walk down the steps towards the girl, "No". Her face scrunched a little "Well do you know where he is?", "No" he said in a higher and very curious tone.

He circled around her like a shark, she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Dream, after analyzing the so called vortex, said "But I think he might be with one of my missing nightmares". She followed his gaze to the stain glass windows, "She's a nightmare?".

Rose couldn't believe something that looked so beautiful, could be a nightmare. "What would she want with Jed?", Dream tilted his head slightly to the side and squinted his eyes "I don't know, but I have a feeling it has something to do with you".

Rose drew her head back in surprise, "Me, why?, what did I do?". "It is not what you did. It is what you are" Dream stated, not that his words helped the still very confused girl. "I'm sorry. I don't understand any of this", "No" Dream confirmed quickly "Dream vortex's are largely incomprehensible".

"What's a dream vortex?" She asked,
"you are". Dream continued "You see, once every few thousand years a mortal is born with a dreaming ability so powerful, she can travel through the dreams of others. Apparently all the way into my throne room", a sudden wave of guilt washed over the girl "I was just looking for my brother".

But the King was far from mad, "If you can find me in The Dreaming, you can find your brother. No matter where Gault has hidden him". She again stared at the depiction of the nightmare, "How?, how do I do that?".

He took out his sand from his pocket, "I feel my queen may have the answer to that". Rose's eyebrows raised as she smiled jokingly "𝐘𝐎𝐔 have a wife?", Dream frowned "Why does everyone always sound so surprised?". He poured out a bit of sand and without warning transported both him and Rose to Amaris.

She sat in the meadows of a field just watching the different worlds of dreams collide and coexist. A gust of wind and sand made her turn her head. 'Isn't Dream talking to Loosh?' She thought to herself, she stood brushing the stray pieces of grass off her dress.

Dream appeared gracefully, as always, and beside him a girl she recognized from yesterday. "Dream! Is that?-", "Yes my love, this is Rose Walker. Rose meet The Queen of Dreams, the embodiment of Love, Amarael" Dream announced. Amaris rolled her eyes and embraced Rose with opens arms. The girl was slightly taken back but gave into the hug.

"It's so great to meet you Rose!, Please call me Amaris" She smiled, flowers bloomed in her hair making her look like a complete goddess to the mortal. "Did he pay you to marry him?" She asked without thinking earning a giggle from Amaris and an eye roll from Dream.

"My husband is more soft than he looks" she hugged his arm making him smile lovingly back, "So what brings you to me, Rosie?". Rose suddenly remembered why she was there, "Morpheus said you could help find my brother, Jed".

Amaris nodded, "Yes I remember him, aw you two had the most lovely relationship. I might be able to sense him if I could just place my hand on your heart?.". Rose consented to the idea and puffed out her chest a bit. Amaris placed a warm hand over Roses heart and closed her eyes

"Think of your brother, of how much you miss him" she prompted, Rose nodded and followed Amaris into closing her eyes. The Angel grabbed a rose out of the glowing pick particles emitting from the girls chest, she held it close to her and breathed in heavily.

"I can feel his love for you, and his longing to see you but there's something blocking him,..pure hatred" she finally said cause both of her audiences to stare intrigued, "Is it Gault?" Dream asked. Amaris shook her head "No it's a mortals hatred, it's so disgusting strong that it's drowning out Jed's feelings. I would find him soon though, I'm not sure how long he can last", the girl looked back  and forth between the two entities.

"How do I do that?", "For now keep looking for your brother in the waking world, Mathew will watch over you there" Dream motioned to his loyal companion, "At your service rose" he spoke. Rose's eyes widened at the anatomical impossibility, "When he is with you, I am with you" he stared with intensity "Then tonight, when you sleep, you, Amaris and I will go in search for your brother together, in your dreams".

Rose looked up one final time at Gault, "She's just a nightmare right? She can't hurt him, can she?". Dream glanced at Amaris as if he wanted her to say something reassuring, she quickly picked up on this and out a hand to Roses cheek. "He's safe for now, but please try to hurry alright. Like Dream said Mathew will be watching over you, you're in good hands-eh-wings".

Rose chuckled and wrapped her arms around the angel once more, "Thank you, both of you" she smiled at Dream who nodded. "We'll see you soon Rose Walker" he waved, the girl then disappeared signifying that she woke up. "What do you think a Gault is doing?" Amaris asked her husband, "I'm not sure but whatever it is, it can't be good" he frowned while putting a arm around her.


I feel like this chapter is a tad short but I'm super tired so I'm just gonna stop here. Goodnight

Also sorry for any errors

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