Doll house

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Half way to the end my friends

Thank you for reading and plz comment I enjoy reading it!


Amaris POV

I never realized how cold this place has been since Dream returned, though I guess when you wear nothing but black clothes all the time you tend to feel hot constantly. I entered the throne room where I saw Dream and Loosh talking on the stairs.

"Good morning my queen, how did you sleep?" He asked holding out his hand as I approached, "Well thank you, what are you two discussing?". He pulled me close, "His majesty has requested a set number for the amount of residents in the dreaming. I'll set out if that is all?". We both nodded and watched her leave.

I gazed around the large and empty room. "You know what we haven't done in a centuries?" I asked pulling him down the stairs, "What?" He follows. I put my hand on his shoulder while the other held onto his hand. "We haven't danced, we used to have such fun!" I giggled, he smirked and raised his arm twirling me.

Our feet glided gracefully across the floor, we took turns leading and being lead. Ever tap on the floor sang the same song, the song of our love. We kept dancing, even going up the stairs. I made flowers big enough to old us and guide us to the ground again.

"My lord and lady?" A voice interrupted us, we looked over to see loosh with her notebook and pen. "Didn't you just leave?" I asked letting go of Dreams shoulder, "I've been gone for hours" she used her pen to point at the window.

She was right, the sun was already setting. "We danced for 6 hours straight?!" I gasped, Dream smiled at my reaction before turning to Loosh. "Do you have it?", "Yes a completed census, just like you asked". His smile grew "Good, and?", "I have accounted for 11,062 of them".

My eyes widened slightly at the large number, I forgot how many creatures lived in our plain. "Wow someone's been busy" Mathew flew down from the arches we was apparently sitting in, "Yes well..there are a handful of new entities". I shrugged "That is to be expected", Loosh had a worried expression "Three of the main arcana are missing".

I inhaled sharply as her words surprised me while Dream's stare turned serious, "Name them" he commanded. "The first is Gault" the left stain glass window started to reshape itself "A nightmare who, I must say, I never trusted". Dream nodded in understanding "She is a shape-changer. It is not in her nature to be trust worthy", I crossed my arms believing his judgment to be a tad unfair considering his family and mine are part of that group.

"Who else?" I asked, "The Corinthian" the middle glass changed to showcase the man Dream tried to hunt down so long ago. "I assumed as much" he grumbled "Still feeding on the dreams he was meant to serve". I sighed "Our smartest creation and he turns into a gay slut who eats people's eyes", Dream nodded "Fiddlers green continues to be our favorites".

"The last?" Dream questioned, Loosh furrowed her eye brows significant confusion "the last is actually my fiddler's green". Now we we're all making that face, "Fiddler's green, that is strange" I frowned while staring at the newly formed stain glass.

"He's the vavasour of his own domain, and was always so reliable" I frowned disappointed in the disappearance of one of my dearest friends. "This is my fault. Had I been here, fulfilling my function—", "It was not your fault, my love" I placed my hands on his arm.

He stared down at me with cold but guilt filled eyes, "No? Then whose?". I said nothing, I could blame the humans but they were looking for Death, "I'm afraid there is yet more news, gossip really but.." Loosh trailed off.

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