What the Hell?!

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Pt 3 of the Hell ep, buckle up bc it's about to get intense


As the challenged. I set the meter and take the first move" Lucy proclaimed, "Very well. Make your move" Dream stood waiting for them to start. "I am..a dire wolf", we all could see the images they were explaining. A black wolf marched out of the darkness, growling while bearing its teeth. "Prey stalking, lethal prowler" Lucy smirked, Dream stared into their eyes intensely. "I am a hunter. Horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing" Dreams voice echoed as the hunter drew his arrow and aimed at the snarling wolf.

He drew back the bow and let go sending an arrow into the wolf and leaving a wound on Lucy. They gripped their stomach in pain, as they slowly stood gripping their stomach you could see the fear in Dreams eyes for what's to come next. "I am a serpent. Horse-biting, poisoned-toothed" her limbless beast bit Dreams horse in the leg causing it to neigh in alarm.

Dream gasped and heavily breathed as the poison spread vividly and rapidly though his veins. I put my hand over my mouth as if I was capable of physically throwing up.

Lucy watched with interest, he stared coldly and in a low voice made his turn. "I am a bird of prey. Snake-devouring, talons ripping", a large claw like cut marked their cheek. They gasped in surprise and held their face. I flinched but didn't move to help. Their wounds should heal quickly, Lucy rubbed their blood between their fingers before continuing.

"I am a butcher bacterium. Warm-life destroying", Dream dropped to im his knees grunting. I chewed my lip and planted my wings into the ground to stop myself from running to him. Holes formed in his face, his pale skin turned a sickly grey. "I am..a world" he whispered, they stood in a beautiful grassy field.

The sun was shining and you could hear birds chirping in the background. It was a truly beautiful day, "Space floating, life nurturing" Dream's voice sounded so calm. Lucy studied the earth with a disgusted look, "I am a nova!" They announced as their wings spread apart. "All-exploding, planet-cremating", dream slowly gazed up to see a giant glowing light racing towards him. He shielded his face with his arm but that didn't stop the immense heat from burning him and everything around him.

He laid on the lifeless crisp grass, groaning in pain and trying to breath. His lips parted and in a weak voice he spoke. "I am a universe. All things encompassing, all life embracing" he whispered, such a sweet sound he has when he does. "I am anti life—" Lucy started in a equally soft tone "—the beats of judgement. The dark at the end of everything", Dreams  starry eyes faded into a dull black. He laid on the floor struggling to breath, his body shivering consistently.

"What will you be then, Dream-lord" Lucy stood tall and victorious. He tried to sit up but his body was too weak to support him. Lucy wakes closer as if to tease him, "I..I-I" he kept repeating but couldn't say anything more. I hated that I couldn't interfere, "It's ok Dream, you're -you're ok" my voice cracked as my eyes teared up. "Hey, boss!, boss" Mathew hopped by him, Dreams eyes flickered between the bird and nothingness.

"Still with us, Dream?", "He is, and it's his move!..your majesty" Mathew bowed in what little respect he had for them. "There are no more moves, what can survive the Anti-life?" Lucy stated, I let a few tears run down my cheek. Maze glanced at me worriedly but what comfort could she bring me?. My husband has lost, he will have to stay here and I will be forced to return to my former state as an energy source.

Mathew didn't give up though, "Hey, boss. Listen to me. You know what can survive the anti life?You. Dreams don't fucking die. Not if you believe in them, and I believe Dream if the Endless would never leave his raven and wife in Hell with Lucifer!". Dream's eyes slowly made their way to my direction, I tried to force a smile but I couldn't. I fell to my knees crying and held my hands together as if praying.

Lucy followed his gaze, the look of shock and empathy on their face was clear when they saw me. "I am hope" Dream trembled, the room lit up like the sun when it comes though the palace windows. Dream rose up, "Hope" Lucy repeated. "Well light-bringer? It's your move. What is it which kills hope?" Dream asked, I expected Lucy to say indifference or despair but she didn't.

They glanced at me before turning to Choronzon. "Choronzon, give him his helm" they commanded, "No, I won't. It's mine please" he begged as Maze stomped towards him. She snatched the helm from his hands and grasped his neck. He chocked as she held him above the ground. With one swift motion she threw him off the balcony, his body hit the ground with a loud thud.

Dream walked over staring at his helm with focus, Mazikeen turned and held out his tool. He grabbed it and bowed his head. "Thank you, Mazikeen", she gave a small smile and took her place by Lucy's side.

"Thank you light bringer, the ruler of Hell is honorable indeed. We will not forget this", Lucy leered at him with slight offense. "Honorable, you joke surly" they quickly made their way over "Look out there, Morpheus. The billion lords of Hell stand arrayed about you. Tell us why should we let you leave?". My head whirled over at them, wiped my tears and picked up Mathew.

"Helmet or no you have no power here. After all..what power to dreams have in Hell?", Dreams lips formed a slight smile. "You say I have no power here" He nodded taking in the information, "Perhaps you speak truly but to say dreams have no power in Hell".

He tilted his head down and stared through his lashes "Tell me Lucifer Morningstar what power would Hell have if those here imprisoned are not able to dream..of heaven?", the very word made Lucy almost drop her false confidence, Dream pursed his lips in a teasing fashion. "One day morpheus, we shall destroy you", he leaned closer "until that day light bringer".

"He won" Mathew chuckled happily, "No. They yielded" I sighed. He looked up at me confused "What do you mean, wasn't hope the answer", I giggled while shaking my head. "That was the stupidest answer ever given, there isn't anything that can survive the anti life.
But yet Lucy yielded..for me" I smiled warmly at my sibling, "why?" Mathew asked in suspicious tone.

"Lucy knew that Dream would take my place as the demon's servant, and how I'd feel if I lost him. They wouldn't wanna see me heartbroken..not again" I whispered the last part, our knowledge of the win didn't make us tell him.

So we watched as Dream strode down the stairs with more swag than a teen with low pants. The smuggest smile I ever seen was plastered on his face, such dork but I couldn't fawned over his confidence. He definitely needed this win, as I turned to follow him I felt a hand grab my arm.

"He's here you know. Would you like to see him?" Lucy smiled, "Who?" I asked confused. She tilted her head down smiling even bigger, "You know who". I spent a few moments staring into their eyes before it clicked. "Why is he down here?!He was a good man" I said more angry than confused.

"Their lying. He's not here, I watched him enter Heaven myself." Dream grabbed my other hand, I didn't even hear him come back. "Funny how you personally made sure he was dead. Say didn't he die after my darling sister rejected your proposal?" Lucy tapped her finger on her cheek as if they were thinking.

I turned to looked at Dream, waiting for him to deny what my sibling was implying but he didn't. He just glared harshly at them, "Can I see hi—" I couldn't finish my question since Dream yanked me into him. "We need to leave" he stated before his sand surrounded us.

We appeared in the throne room, Dream took a few steps forward before realizing I wasn't following him, "My queen?". I looked up not entirely there, I was thinking..remembering. "I need a few moments alone,..my king" I added to try and not worry him but it didn't work. "My love, you don't actually believe that I.." he trailed off, I held my arms suddenly feeling vulnerable. "I just need a few moments by myself to think please" this time I did not wait for his response, I just ran out of the room.

He couldn't..He-He wouldn't..he didn't..did he?


Did Dream kill Amaris's old lover? Or is Lucifer lying to drive a wedge between her enemy and her favorite sibling.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes my autocorrect sucks

Thanks for reading!

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