Chapter 3

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I woke up and I can hear people talking.

"What are we going to do with her."

"Wait for her to wake up."

"What else could we do. Leave her in the park? Plus the original plan was to bring her back here.."

My breath hitched but, I kept my eyes closed.

One of the guys groaned.

"We shouldn't have done this. You don't even know here name."

"Neither do you!"

"It's different."

"Not really! Since you helped."

"It was your idea!"

I opened my eyes and sat up. I was sitting on a couch in an unfamiliar room. I realized the conversation they were having. It was about me. I'm not going to get raped again.

They were oblivious that I woke up.

I did the thing that first popped up in my head. I ran towards the front door. I looked behind me and they were still auguring. I opened the front door and started running.

I was still looking behind me when I bumped in to three other people. I let out a little scream.

The next thing I know I'm surrounded by 5 people. The other two idiots that were arguing must of heard me scream. The same one that I saw at the park picked me up.

He bought me back inside the flat and dropped me on the couch. I got a better look at him. He had really straight hair. He was wearing the same stripped shirt that i seen at the park. He must of been the one wearing the blue wig. He was cute even though, I wouldn't know his eye color since I can't look people in the eye. Wait, what am I thinking. I can't think he's cute. He's a stranger.

"What's your name, love," 'Stripes ' asked. What? I don't know he's name.

"None of your damn business," I snapped. "Why the hell am I here?" I asked.

"Language," someone said. He had on a gray shirt with light blue jeans. His hair was cut short like in a buzz cut. Again, I didn't know his name. I don't recognize any of these boys. I'll just call him buzz.

"My language is English. Thank you very fucking much," I replied. The other 4 boys were trying to keep from laughing. "You think this is a joke? Again, why the hell am I here?"

They all immediately stop laughing and looked at Stripes. "I sorta kidnapped you," Stripes said.

I rolled my eyes. "No, shit Sherlock."

"Why did you kidnap her?"

"Why would you do that?"

"What are we going to do with her?" Went around the room.

"Hey, Zayn helped!" Stripes protested. They all looked at the guy he was arguing with earlier. He had tan-skinned. He wore a red varsity jacket with the letter 'M' on it. His hair was up in a quiff style. I guess his name is Zayn.

"We'll talk about it later," Zayn said. "But, we can't let her get away. She might tell the police."

"You're right," Someone else said. He had on a white shirt and a pair of jeans. His hair was really curly and he was kind of cute. His hair laid to the left. I'll call him Curly.

"So what's your name, love," A new person said. He had blond hair. He wore a white sleeveless shirt with beige pants. He was sporting a green snap back. Blondie.

"None... of... your... damn... business," I said. "Got it?"

Buzz rubbed his face. "Can you please watch your language."

"I don't know what your talking about. My language is fucking English same as yours, Buzz," I replied. I knew what he was talking about. But why would I listen to 5 guys that kidnapped me.

He sighed. "Okay but, my name is Liam not, Buzz." He replied.

"I'll call you what I want!"

"She's feisty," Curly said. He was seriously starting to piss me off. "How about we all just spend time with her."

"I'll go first. Come on," Blondie said. I stood up and followed him in to another room. It looked like a bedroom. He shut the door behind us and laid down on the bed. With his hands behind his head.

"So what's your name, love," He asked again. If they wouldn't let me go I could at least tell them my name.

"Autumn Willow," I replied.

"Beautiful name. My name's Niall... Niall Horan." He said. "Do you know our band. One Direction."

"No, I don't really have that big of a social life," I said laying down beside him. Even though I just met him I felt like I could trust him.

I'll hang out with them for awhile. I'll tell them I won't tell the police and then leave.

But, what I didn't know was it was just going to get worse.

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