Chapter 18

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  • Dedicated to Pedro

Jake's P.O.V.

"Jake?" she asked.

"Yeah, look can I talk to you," I asked reaching out for her.

She flinched. "No, leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you. I hate you!"

It felt like someone ripped out my heart. I'm really sorry what I did to her but hate is a strong word. "You don't mean that," I said looking down.

"Yes, I do. Now leave me alone," I looked up and she was crying. "Just leave me alone, Jake."

"Autumn I-" I started someone cut me off though.

"Babe, whats wrong," a guy came and wrapped his arms around Autumn.

She wrapped her arms and buried her head into his neck, whispering something. I just stood there awkwardly, wishing I was him.

 He turned his head in my direction, looking at me. "Can you leave?" he asked. "You've already hurt her enough."

Did he know what I did to her? I really wished she didn't tell anyone? Ahh I'm going to get in so much trouble.

"I just want to talk to her, please?" I pleaded.

"I don't want to talk to him. Don't make me Harry. Please. I hate him and everything he's done to me," she said, her head still buried into his neck.

He rubbed her back. "I'm not going to make you. I hate what he's done to you to and I want to hurt him ten times as much as he hurt you. Please stop crying though. We can go home."

She wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you."

"No, you didn't. I just think we should go home, watch a movie, maybe it'll make you feel better," the 'Harry" guy said. He pressed his lips against her cheek.


I coughed. 'Harry' glared at me while she looked the opposite direction.

"She doesn't want to talk to you," He said.

Wrapping her arm around his waist and walking off towards Auntie Anne's Pretzels they left.

I grunted and sat down on the mall bench. That went horrible.

Autumn's P.O.V. -At The Flat-

I can't believe I saw Jake today. I can't believe I cried at the mall. I'm such a coward. I wondered what he wanted to talk about though? I don't care... I'm never going to talk to him, after everything he's done. What did he mean by me not hating him? Psh, why does he think I don't? Of course I do.


"Huh? I'm sorry I was thinking. What did you say?" I asked Harry, he was standing in the doorway of the kitchen looking confused.

"I asked what did you want to do for the rest of the day," he repeated, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Oh... I'm not sure. Niall ate a lot of the food so we need to go to the grocery store," I said, the fridge was mostly empty.

"Ahh, okay, want me to go with you?"

"No, I'm fine. Plus I think I just need to think about a couple things," I said, meaning Jake.

"Okay," Harry kissed me on the cheek and handing me his credit card.

"I'll pay for it."

"No, take it," He insisted.

"No, I'm paying for it."

He took my purse and ran off. "Now you can't, my credit card is on the island."

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