Chapter 4

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Autumn's P.O.V.

I was still in the room with Niall. We talked mostly about him. Some things about me but, just things like favorite food, color, and book.

"So where does your mom work?" Niall questioned.

I could already feel my eyes watering up. "My mom died." Pause. "When I was 14."

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know," Niall stated. "What about your dad?" I could tell he was trying to change the subject but, bringing up my dad was not making me feel better. That's when my tears started falling.

"My dad is a bartender. So he gets drunk a lot. He kicked me out the house yesterday. He used to abuse me and..." I choked on my words. I didn't want to talk about it.

Why was I trusting a stranger so much?

Niall pulled me in to his chest. I flinched and tensed up. "Shh... it's okay. I won't hurt you," He said. I could hear all honesty in his voice. I relaxed a bit. "You don't have to talk about it. But, if you ever do. I'm here. I'll listen. You can trust me."

I sobbed into his chest while he rubbed my back.

"It is a gift I know

A moment of bliss that we hold

A firecracker flash of light then on

To the next plane soul remain

Come along if you dare

It's gonna be that you're scared

Lovely life I thank you

For the reason to see the pain through

Light a candle for the dead

The wick is burning returning what we have

It's who we are

We'll reach you if you're beyond the furthest star

Don't give up the fight to stay alive and even if

you have to

Find the reason of another's pain if they lose you

If not for your self then those around who care

like I do

One day you'll see the clear blue

Beyond the Gray Sky" Niall sang but, he didn't get to finish the song before the boys came in.

I wiped away my tears. I didn't want everyone to know I had been crying. I lifted my head off Niall's chest.

"Dinner is ready. If you want to eat?"

I nodded my head. "I'll be out in a second," Niall said. They left the room leaving Niall and I in there alone again.

"Thanks, Niall."

"No problem," He said. So do you have anywhere to go?"

"No, not really. That's why I was at the park."

"We'll figure something out. Lets go eat. I'm starving," Niall said pulling me towards the door. I chuckled and followed him out.

Was I going to eat too?

Niall dragged me into the kitchen and I sat down at the dinning room table.

Somehow I ended up at the head of the table. With Curly to my left and Louis to my right.

I looked down at my plate. It was spaghetti. I lifted up my fork and tried some of it. It tasted really good; like heaven was in my mouth. I moaned at the taste of it in my mouth. "Who made this," I asked, pointing at it with my fork.

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